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Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Brighton and Sussex Medical School


Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is an equal partnership between the Universities of Sussex and Brighton together with NHS organisations throughout the South East region. The arrangements for the school's governance reflect this approach and students are awarded joint BM BS degrees of both universities.

The school is fully committed to the principles of Outcomes for Graduates; we endorse the value of medical education in a multi-professional context, and promote the highest possible standards in our teaching, clinical practice, and research (both fundamental and applied). Our key domains of research strength are recognised locally, nationally and on the international stage. These are represented by our departments of Global Health and Infection (including HIV and sexual health); Neuroscience (including mental health and neurology); Clinical and Experimental Medicine; Medical Education; and Primary Care and Public Health.


  • Brighton

    Brighton and Sussex Medical School BSMS Teaching Building University of Sussex , BN1 9PX, Brighton

