12 Political Science programs in Czech Republic
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Czech Republic
- Social Sciences
- Political Science
12 Political Science programs in Czech Republic
Anglo-American University
M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
The Master of Arts in International Relations & Diplomacy is a 2-year, internationally accredited program offering a modern and interdisciplinary education in international relations & diplomacy. You will earn a globally recognized American and European B.A. degree.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
Master in Public and Social Policy Studies (PASP)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
Public and Social Policy (PASP) is a two-year English-language Master’s degree program, which aims to provide students with current relevant knowledge of the policy-making process and cultivate their analytical skills. In addition to theoretical knowledge about the policy-making process, the program will offer deeper knowledge in concrete policy domains such as social policy, health policy, educational policy, employment policy, or others. Special attention in the program will be given to research methodology and policy analysis skills. The combination of knowledge about the policy process and methodology skills will lead to unique competencies and excellent professional employment or for further studying or research career. The program is developed in accordance with almost twenty years of experience with the Czech program on Public and Social Policy. It will, however, be supplemented by experience with already existing English courses and realized international research programs. Similarly, the comparative dimension will be enhanced. The theoretical grounds of the discipline will be covered especially in the courses Public Policy and Social Policy. The knowledge about concrete policy domains will be provided in the courses Educational Policy, Health Policy, and Civil Society in Central Europe. Methodological knowledge and skills will be developed in courses Policy Analysis, Introduction to Social Research Methodology, Statistics in SPSS, Text, Narrative & Discourse Analysis, and Diploma Seminar I and II. During the program, both individual and collective students’ work on concrete social and policy problems will be sustained.
Czech University of Life Sciences - Faculty of Economics and Management
Masters in European Agrarian Diplomacy
- Prague, Czech Republic
The European Agrarian Diplomacy Masters at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague provides students with the knowledge of economics, international relations, foreign policy, management and marketing, law regulations and also provides 3 semesters of French language. The whole program is taught in English and part of the course is run by foreign lecturers from partner universities.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
Master in International Security Studies (MISS)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
Master in International Security Studies (MISS) is a two-year English-language Master's degree program, which offers students a complex guide through security, conflict, and strategic studies in the context of international relations. Moreover, dual degrees are being offered in cooperation with the University of Konstanz (Germany) and newly also with the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom). Security studies already have several decades of history behind them, in the course of which their shape and area of concern have changed markedly. Throughout the Cold War, it was a field closely wedded to war studies and military science, and it concentrated on questions dealing with nuclear weapons, disarmament, and potential confrontations between the superpowers. After the end of the Cold War, security studies underwent a significant transformation, which, along with the ever-widening understanding of the notion of security, began to move beyond military questions to include themes such as the environment, human security, ethnic conflicts, and the debate about natural resources and energy. The current shape of the field is the result of this dynamic process. MISS promotes a progressive approach to teaching which, among other things, includes reducing class sizes and an emphasis on seminars. The pedagogical instructors aim to conduct their classes through presentations, discussions, or simulations incorporating students, rather than through a one-sided monologue of facts that can be acquired by other means. This logically requires a thorough preparation on the part of the student outside the class through extensive reading of the course texts. The main goal of this is to streamline the teaching process by actively involving the students in class and making it possible for them to present their opinions on and understandings of the material.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
Master in European Politics and Society (EPS)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
The European Politics and Society (EPS): Vaclav Havel Joint Master Program is a multidisciplinary two-year Joint Master Degree Programme linking the fields of European politics, contemporary history and culture, economy, international relations, and policymaking. The first semester of the EPS Programme is based on Master level introductory courses (in Prague), the second semester focuses on EU-related courses (Krakow, Leiden). In the third and fourth semesters, the program offers four different study tracks reflecting the diverse expertise of the Consortium members (Prague, Krakow, Barcelona, and Leiden). Each track combines various elective courses, research methods training, an internship, and language tuition with an advanced research dissertation supervised by key staff from each Partner University.
Czech University of Life Sciences - Faculty of Economics and Management
MSc European Agrarian Diplomacy
- Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
The master's degree study branch European Agrarian Diplomacy that is being taught in English has been established based on a request by the CR Ministry of Agriculture aimed at the education of specialists for the EU Common Agricultural Policy able to occupy the relevant positions both in the national and European institutions. Taking into account width of the problems and the significance of agriculture within the bounds of the European Union policies, the study branch has not been concentrated upon adaptation of the Czech Republic into the EU structures only, but it has been preparing specialists oriented in the current trends, be it within the boundaries of the agrarian sector development of European Union itself (Europe 2020 Strategy), or in the global questions and Europe's position in global agriculture.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
The International Masters in Economy, State, and Society (IMESS) is a leading two-year double degree Master's program in comparative area studies, which focuses on developing in-depth knowledge and understanding of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
Master in International Economic and Political Studies (IEPS)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
International Economic and Political Studies (IEPS) is a postgraduate degree, taught exclusively in English, modeled on the Oxford-style PPE interdisciplinary degrees combining the study of economics (including finance), politics (including international relations), and philosophy (including ethics and argumentation skills). The growing popularity of the PPE-family degrees is due to the spectacular success of its graduates in the corporate sector, politics, state administration, journalism, NGOs, and other high-end areas of the labor market across the world. With such leadership positions in mind, IEPS aims at developing practical skills underpinned by the sound theory that is necessary for the analysis of complex problems, creative problem-solving, and management of diverse international groups of people, which in turn presupposes convincing argumentation, persuasion, and communication skills, combined with ethical corporate social responsibility for the globalizing world, which we all share.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
Master in Geopolitical Studies (GPS)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
Geopolitical Studies (GPS) is a unique, multidisciplinary, two-year English-language program, offering the students a chance to learn from the best academics and experts. The program is primarily based on a geopolitical analysis but also includes aspects of international relations theory and international law. The Geopolitical Studies program studies how the interactions among world politics and geography have unfolded in the most relevant geopolitical settings. The program gives the students an opportunity to gain a profound knowledge of geopolitics and geostrategy, two disciplines that are becoming ever more important. The mandatory courses will provide the necessary theoretical background, while the electives will enable the students to choose their thematic and/or regional specialization according to their preference.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
Erasmus Mundus International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS) is a 24 month Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) developed by a consortium of four European universities – University of Glasgow (the UK, leader), Dublin City University (Ireland, degree awarding partner), Charles University (degree-awarding partner) and OTH Regensburg (Germany). It is a unique interdisciplinary program offering students cutting-edge training in several relevant security areas. On the part of Charles University, the program is administered by the Department of Security Studies of the Institute of Political Studies at our Faculty.
University of Pardubice
Master programme Ethics and Political Philosophy
- Pardubice, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
This two-year, tuition-free Master of Arts (MA) programme, taught in English, is conducted in cooperation with the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, an internationally renowned research centre. The programme offers full specialisation in the two main domains of practical philosophy: ethics and political philosophy. It is ideally, but not exclusively, suited for students with a BA degree in general philosophy. The study plan uniquely combines historical and systematic approaches with a strong emphasis on contemporary and pressing issues. The problem-oriented interactive teaching encourages students to think independently and critically about phenomena that are highly relevant both within and outside academia, such as issues of marginalisation and exclusion, animal rights, nature of democracy and climate crisis. The study has a strong research orientation: Our students receive systematic training both in academic writing skills and in critical philosophical thinking to write an original MA thesis in one of the programme domains. The best graduates will be prepared to apply for PhD study at leading academic institutions or to join our vibrant multinational PhD community.
CEVRO Institute
MA in Philosophy, Politics, Economic
- Prague 6, Czech Republic
CEVRO Institute offers a unique world-class three-trimester long master’s degree program – Philosophy, Politics, Economics (PPE). PPE is an interdisciplinary program modelled on the successful PPE program at the University of Oxford.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Popular education type
Master Programs in Social Sciences Political Science
Political Science is an academic discipline that studies the state, government and politics and typically combines International Relations, Political Philosophy and Comparative Politics. Master of Political Science programs frequently focus on a certain area of the discipline, such as Geopolitical Studies, Diplomacy, Economic Studies, Public Policy or the study of a particular culture. Many universities and academic institutions in the Czech Republic offer highly accredited Master of Political Science programs. Upon graduation from a Master of Political Science program in the Czech Republic, students are qualified for positions in politics, business, consulting, education, law, administration and more.
Graduates with a Bachelors degree in a related social science field are invited to apply for Master of Political Science programs in the Czech Republic. Offered on a full time or part time basis, Master of Political Science programs in the Czech Republic can be available for full time students or working professionals who seek to gain additional qualifications. Most Master of Political Science programs require the completion of a thesis project, which is often research-based, to optimize students' grasp of practical and theoretical knowledge and skills essential for a career in the field.
Read more about how you can apply for a Master of Political Science in the Czech Republic by clicking below, today!