21 Mental Healthcare programs in Mexico
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Mexico
- Health Care
- Mental Healthcare
21 Mental Healthcare programs in Mexico
UNIR - Mexico
Master in Family Educational Guidance
- Online Mexico
Part time
18 months
Distance Learning
The Master's in Educational Guidance will teach you to analyze, diagnose and provide solutions to problematic educational situations, as well as to solve situations of attention to diversity in the family environment. You will be able to practice as head of education and social work.
Universidad Tecnologica De Mexico (UNITEC)
Master's degree in psychology
- Mexico City, Mexico
What will you learn You will acquire the following knowledge: Psychological assessment and measurement tests, as well as psychological interview approaches and their implications. Multicultural and intercultural psychosocial processes, as well as work psychology issues and the impact of the digital environment on people.
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Master's degree in psychology
- Chihuahua, Mexico
The general objective of the Master's Program in Psychology is to train human resources in the theoretical-methodological professionalizing field of the various fields of psychology, through the lines of professionalization, so that they are able to design, implement and evaluate professional intervention projects around psychological problems and processes of individuals and groups, with a multi and interdisciplinary approach, supported by solid ethical values. Among the specific objectives of the Master's Program in Psychology is to train and specialize teachers in Psychology with high-level professional intervention capacity, with skills to apply theoretical-methodological and professional knowledge that respond to various problems in the clinical field and health, as well as education and development, in the Northwest region of Mexico. Another specific objective is to specialize teachers in the appropriation and application of diagnosis and intervention models within the selected professional orientation to efficiently impact the solution of clinical and health problems, as well as educational and development. Finally, there is the specific objective of developing specific professional and disciplinary competencies in which knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ethical values are integrated that favor the effective and autonomous resolution of the challenges of daily life, and that also allows them to continue studies at the doctorate level, contributing to the development of the lines of knowledge generation.
Gestalt Centre of Studies and Research (Centro de Estudios e Investigación Guestalticos)
Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy
- Xalapa-Enríquez, Mexico
Gestalt Psychotherapy has a humanistic approach that is characterized by favoring the growth of the potential of the person. We have a holistic vision, that is, we perceive the person as a complex whole, which is greater than the sum of its parts. Everything exists and acquires meaning within a specific context; nothing exists by itself, isolated. In addition to being deep therapy, Gestalt is essentially a way of living life with your feet firmly on the ground. It is a way of becoming fully, free and open in this world; accepting and taking responsibility for who we are, without using more resources than appreciating the obvious, what it is.
Eleia Centre of Psychological Activities (Centro Eleia Actividades Psicológicas)
- Mexico City, Mexico
We are an institution with 30 years in Mexico of theoretical and practical work in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. - HIGH ACADEMIC LEVEL OF OUR TEACHERS: All have vast clinical and teaching experience and are experts in their area. We select our teachers according to their knowledge, dedication, and capacity for human contact. They provide scientific guidance with an intense dedication to the attention of their students. - LARGE AND PLURAL CURRICULUM: all psychoanalytic schools are studied, from Freud (four semesters) to the present: object relations, Melanie Klein, Winnicott, Fairbairn; the classical and modern American school, ego psychology, Mahler, Kohut, Kernberg, and intersubjective and relational analysts; the French school, both Lacanian and independent, Laplanche, Green, McDougall and Piera Aulagnier, among other authors. - TRAINING OF STUDENTS IN THE CLINICAL AREA: they have the possibility of starting their practice under supervision at the Community Clinic of the Eleia Center. Said training can be in the institutional or private area and community service is provided.
Centre for Studies, Clinic and Psychological Research (Centro de Estudios, Clínica e Investigación Psicológica)
Master in Child Clinical Psychopedagogy
- Campeche, Mexico
The Master's Degree in Child Clinical Psychopedagogy is a professionalizing program that aims to train competent professionals to handle interdisciplinary cases of children with school failure and maladjustment in preschool and primary stages. Through diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. Based on current and relevant theoretical-practical currents and strategies of dynamic child clinical psychopedagogy.
Centre for Specialization in Development and Education (Centro de Especialidades en Desarrollo y Educación)
Master of Play Therapy
- Chihuahua, Mexico
The affective and relational life in the human being becomes a cornerstone for success in any area in which they develop professionally or socially. The family environment in which children develop from the moment of their conception will leave a mark on the process of becoming a person, since all the stimuli that are received or not received, will determine the type of being human who will become. The great pressures we face in today's world lead us to forget that life is a formidable experience from which we do not always know how to extract all its richness. One of the essential characteristics of the human being is its projective aspect, that is, the ability to carry out projects. And, not only that but essentially, the ability to make a project of your own life. It is not easy to organize our life. On the one hand, the dead weight of routine and comfort leads to ritual and almost mechanical repetitions and, on the other, a certain apathy and conformism induces us to passivity and diverts us from such healthy perspectives as using our imagination and developing our ideas. creative abilities. Through play, children test the world and learn about it. Therefore, play is essential for healthy development. For children, play is a serious matter and has a specific purpose through which they develop mentally, physically, and socially. Play is the child's form of self-therapy, through which confusions, anxieties, and conflicts are often brought to the fore. Through the safety of play, children can test their new ways of being. The play represents a vital function for the child. It is much more than the frivolous, carefree, and enjoyable activity that adults generally consider. Play (also) serves as a symbolic language. Children experience much of what they cannot yet express in language and therefore use play to formulate and assimilate what they experience. The game well used serves specialists as an indispensable tool that allows to better know the child, it is a fundamental element of the teaching-learning process and above all, it represents evolution, adaptation, and self-affirmation of the child. Play can reduce frightening and traumatic events, relieving anxiety and tension. The game is usually a tool to learn to evaluate social interaction, to learn to address different emotional responses and personal feelings. Well-planned play tends to increase the child's willingness to get involved, and in turn, be more prepared for new endeavors. The child communicates playing, therefore, it is necessary to speak in their language Through play, the child moves away from the real world and can understand that world other than his own: the world of the "adult", which in turn will shape his own personality. Hence the fundamental importance of children's play, a child who has played in an appropriate way will be an adult who integrates constructively and creatively to their reality. Through play, the child approves himself physically and mentally, and this allows him to gain autonomy and affirm himself. Play is essential for human beings regardless of their age, since the changes and processes that the child makes possible continue to be valid norms for the young and the adult, even for the elderly.
Centre for Human Development and Gestalt Psychotherapy (Centro de Desarrollo Humano y Psicoterapia Gestalt)
Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy
- Oaxaca, Mexico
Our goal in the training of psychotherapists in the master in Gestalt psychotherapy is to give them those tools and knowledge necessary through their own personal growth, to develop the ability to accompany others in their internal processes in a warm and effective way. We are proudly the only institution nationwide that exclusively trains psychologists as Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy.
Universidad Del Golfo De California
Master in Clinical Psychology
- Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Apply theoretical, epistemological, and methodological tools that allow the development of psychological intervention projects and the generation of scientific knowledge in personal, group, and institutional contexts.
Universidad Autonoma De Baja California
Master's degree in psychology
- Tijuana, Mexico
The Master's program in Psychology (MP) arises from a feasibility and relevance analysis, methodologically structured and precisely contextualized. It seeks through the joint efforts of the university community with society in general, to train professionals as social agents from psychology with high levels of quality and excellence based on the design, implementation, and evaluation of psychological intervention projects. Through active participation in social and community settings where the attention and intervention of areas of psychology are required: Psychological and social well-being and psychosocial and community intervention, within national and international contexts, with emphasis on needs and problems characteristics of the Northern Border of Mexico.
Euro Hispanic-American University (Universidad Euro Hispanoamericana)
Master in Clinical Psychology
- Xalapa-Enríquez, Mexico
The master in Clinical Psychology must show interest in developing, diagnosing, intervening in psychological and clinical treatments to resolve disorders and provide therapies in individual cases, couples, family or other psychological disorders
- Montemorelos, Mexico
Big changes are observed in family dynamics. The uncertainty that these changes provoke, opens the scene for the correct counseling under a biblical framework that allows reestablishing the family designed by God. By taking the postgraduate course of your choice, you will learn to contribute to the development of innovative prevention and solution programs to strengthen family health.
ITESO - Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara
Master in Human Development
- Tlaquepaque, Mexico
Full time
30 months
Distance Learning
This program is for you, professional. That due to your personal needs and conditions, you cannot attend the university in person; From any discipline, interested in expanding and transforming your work practice, as well as the way you interact with people; With interest in your own growth process and that you seek to raise the quality of life.
Autonomous University of the State of Morelos - Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Morelos (UAEM)
Master's degree in psychology
- Cuernavaca, Mexico
To train human resources of excellence in Psychology, capable of applying pertinent, effective knowledge with an ethical and social sense, based on a theoretical, methodological, and practical preparation, generating the development of projects that respond to the needs of the local, state, regional context, nationally and internationally, in one of the fields of the discipline: Neuropsychology - Clinical Psychology, Work and Organization Psychology, Community Psychology, and Educational Psychology.
La Salle Laguna University
Master in Dynamic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
- Gomez Palacio, Mexico
To train men and women of integrity who, with a vocation for service, social sensitivity, excellent ethical and scientific training are able to: Determine diagnoses, prognoses, and treatment strategies for problems mental health in childhood and adolescence, susceptible to be attended through the psychotherapeutic management from a model with a psychodynamic and humanistic orientation that favor the development and growth of the personality and consider the transcendence of the interaction of the individual with the family and social environment.
Popular degree type
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Popular education type
Master Programs in Health Care Mental Healthcare
Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a federal constitutional republic in North America. Working may require a work visa, which is difficult to get if you want to freelance for a short time. Most of the government-funded universities in major cities (state capital) have short courses on history, gastronomy, and cultural subjects, and most of them are almost free.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.