14 Mental Healthcare programs in Italy
- Master
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- MA
- Italy
- Health Care
- Mental Healthcare
14 Mental Healthcare programs in Italy
Specializing Master in User Experience Psychology
- Milan, Italy
Full time
12 months
The Specializing Master in User Experience Psychology (UxP) trains students to develop the skills and competences for designing, developing and evaluating easy, efficient and engaging experiences for the user, by adopting a unique interdisciplinary perspective that combines in-depth technical and psychological knowledge.
LUMSA University
Master in Psychology of Work and Organization Well-Being
- Rome, Italy
Full time
2 years
The Master's Degree Course in Psychology of Work and Organizational Well-being aims to train master's graduates with high theoretical-scientific and professional skills in the field of psychology aimed at the management of human resources and the promotion of well-being in the workplace, as well as the evaluation and planning of individual, group and network intervention in organizations. The Master's Degree Course in Psychology of Work and Organizational Well-Being also aims to provide the specific skills required of psychologists who intend to carry out research and intervention activities about the different organizational contexts.
University Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Master Degree in Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication
- Milan, Italy
Full time
2 years
The Master in “Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication”, jointly offered by the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the Faculty of Psychology of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan (UNISR), presents a Master degree programme in cognitive psychology with an interdisciplinary training in psychology, neuroscience, health communication, organizational behaviour and management. The programme focuses on the intersection between the theoretical bases of cognitive psychology and of communication applied to the context of health. Cognitive psychology is the study of all mental processes which drive simple or more complex behaviours, either normal or pathological. These include, among the many, verbal and non-verbal forms of communication, implicit and explicit memory, perception, attention, consciousness, problem solving, decision making, gratification, etc.
University of Padova
Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology
- Padua, Italy
Full time
2 years
The Master’s degree offers the latest developments in Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical neuropsychology research and applications. The programme encourages an active role for students and offers several hands-on trainings for learning TMS, tDCS, EEG, fNIRS, clinical testing and advanced imaging software. This allow students’ theoretical learning to be complemented by state-of- the art technical and practical skills.
University of Bologna
Master in Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity
- Bologna, Italy
Full time
2 years
The master course in Psychology of wellbeing and social inclusivity is aimed to train students on individual and collective well-being as social inclusivity. It is focussed on neurobiological correlates, individual and socio-psychological factors underlying individual and collective well-being in the lifespan.
University of Pavia
Master's Degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Sciences
- Pavia, Italy
Full time
2 years
This Master Degree program is a course of excellence providing high-level training and teaching, specifically focused on the interaction between psychology, neuroscience and human and social sciences that are connected to the investigation of the human brain and behaviour.
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Master's Degree Course in Psychology of Cognitive Processes with the Université Lille 3 / FRANCE
- Caserta, Italy
- Lille, France
Full time
2 years
Starting from the academic year 2015-16, the CdLM in Psychology of cognitive processes will include a unitary path to the first year and the possibility of opting, upon enrollment in the second year, for the international path of "Cognitive Psychology and Psychophisiology".
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Specializing Master in User Experience Psychology
- Milan, Italy
Full time
1 year
User experience (UX) is one of the trendiest topics in the industry. As technologies have become ubiquitous in our society, there is a compelling need to design digital experiences that are easy, engaging, and accessible. The Specialising Master in User Experience Psychology (UxP) is geared toward students and professionals who want to acquire in-depth knowledge of the different approaches that combine to deliver the right UX for products and services.
University of Siena
MA in Language and Mind: Linguistics and Cognitive Studies
- Siena, Italy
Full time
2 years
The Master in Language and Mind is a highly interdisciplinary program aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of language as a human cognitive capacity, combining theoretical perspectives in Linguistics and Philosophy with their different and many applications in fields such as Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Text Analysis.
University of Bologna
Master in Work, Organization and Personnel Psychology
- Cesena, Italy
Full time
2 years
Innovation, health and safety in organisation and effective human resources theories and practices are some of the key topics for Work, Organisational and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P)Master. Two tracks are available, both taught in english: - "Occupational Health Psychology" with main focus on: Occupational Health Psychology, Human Factors and Safety, Innovation and Diversity Management. International mobility is not mandatory. Managed by University of Bologna, including tuition fees, grants and financial benefits. - "Erasmus Mundus (EMJMD) in WOP-P", jointly delivered by a consortium of european universities (Bologna, Coimbra, Barcelona, Valencia). This track is coordinated centrally by University of Valencia, delivers a «Multiple Degree» and includes a mandatory mobility period.
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
MSc in Consumer Behavior: Psychology Applied to Food, Health and Environment
- Cremona, Italy
Full time
2 years
Sustainable Development and Global Health goals cannot be achieved by technological development alone. We want to train a new generation of psychologists specialized in bridging the gap between science and society. Psychology and Social Sciences are crucial for behavior change and acceptance of innovation in food and health sciences.
Centro Studi Panta Rei
Master in Relaxation Techniques and Mindfulness
- Milan, Italy
Full time
138 hours
The master focuses on the skilled knowledge of relaxation, mindfulness and provides a brief theoretical comparison - practical even with Ericksonian hypnotic techniques. The students are guided towards a theoretical but above all practical knowledge which provides for the sharing of the experience but at times also the conduction of the group by the single participants. Particular attention will be paid to the psychophysiological and neurophysiological aspects that will guide us towards the study of the body-mind up to the PNEI model.
Centro Studi Panta Rei
Master in Relaxation Techniques and Integrated Psychotherapy
- Milan, Italy
Full time
85 hours
This Master is reserved for graduates in psychology (first and / or second level degree), psychologists and psychotherapists, graduates in medicine with psychological training (specialized or specializing in clinical psychology, psychiatry, neurology).
Sapienza University of Rome
Master of Science in Applied Dynamic and Clinical Psychology
- Rome, Italy
Full time
2 years
The Master’s program in Applied Dynamic and Clinical Psychology derives from the former program in Clinical Psychosexology and maintains its original goal of offering an International Master’s in the area of clinical psychology. It aims at providing students with a wider platform of knowledge and competencies as clinical psychologists by providing specific competencies in several applied fields to be flexibly used in many professional contexts, also considering the diverse nature of clinical settings encountered in different countries of the world.
Popular degree type
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Popular education type
Master Programs in Health Care Mental Healthcare
Officially known as the Italian Republic, the country is found in southern Europe. The official language is Italian and the cultural rich capital is Rome. Many of the world's oldest universities are located in Italy, in particular the University of Bologna (founded in 1088). There are three Superior Graduate Schools with "university status", three institutes with the status of Doctoral Colleges, which function at graduate and post-graduate level.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.