26 Mental Healthcare programs in Germany
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Germany
- Health Care
- Mental Healthcare
26 Mental Healthcare programs in Germany
Media University
M.Sc. Business Psychology
- Berlin, Germany
- Frankfurt, Germany
Full time, Part time
2 years
English, German
In the M.Sc. Business Psychology program, students will improve their knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative methodology. Topics such as behavioral economics, HR management, User Experience research, innovation psychology, and entrepreneurship are also part of the agenda.
Meridian University
MA in Psychology
- Petaluma, USA
- San Francisco, USA + 5 more
Full time, Part time
18 months
Distance Learning
The Master's in Psychology program takes a distinct approach to Transformative Learning, emphasizing the transformation of identity, as well as that of personal and professional life. The program emphasizes embodiment, meaning-making, and community-making as critical dimensions for creative participation in contemporary, postmodern society.
AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH
MSc Sexual Psychology and Sexual Therapy
- Lübeck, Germany
Part time
1 year
Distance Learning
English, German
++ one year Master´s ++ 100 % online ++ possible Master´s without first degree (without Bachelor) ++ work-accompanying ++ full scholarship worth €9,793.32 to be awarded ++ Part time ++
Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices
Master of Arts in Business & Organizational Psychology
- Berlin, Germany
Full time
4 semesters
Prepare yourself and your organization to thrive in the global workforce! Efficiently address and overcome organizational issues, utilize up-to-date research and best practices to meet organizational requirements, and excel in managing the intricate challenges across diverse business areas.
International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
Master of Arts (MA) in Psychology in English
- Berlin, Germany
Full time
4 semesters
This M.A. program explores one of the most differentiated and contemporary perspectives of the human psyche, as indeed for one of the most modern of the human sciences. As a science of the unconscious, psychoanalysis is not just a therapeutic method. It also represents a theory of science and knowledge, one that is located between the natural sciences and the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences, and which connects these lines of tradition in an innovative, forward-thinking manner.
University of Hamburg
Master of Science in Psychology
- Hamburg, Germany
Full time
4 semesters
Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology with the focus Research at the Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science. The Master of Science in Psychology is a consecutive program with a strong focus on research. The regular period of study is 4 semesters. The teaching language is primarily English, but some courses must be taken in German. The degree program comprises eight modules in total that broadly fall into three study components.
International School of Management (ISM)
M.Sc. Psychology & Management
- Dortmund, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
Full time
4 semesters
In the post-graduate Business Psychology & Management Master program, you will be trained in the main professional fields for business psychologists - consulting and human resources. In the first semester of the Master's in Business Psychology, you will receive a general and broad education in applied psychology in a business context.
Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg
Master Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (M.Sc.)
- Neuruppin, Germany
Full time
4 semesters
AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH
MSc Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mental Health
- Lübeck, Germany
Part time
1 year
Distance Learning
++ one year Master´s ++ 100% online ++ possible Master´s without first degree (without Bachelor) ++ work-accompanying ++ full scholarship worth €9,793.32 to be awarded ++
AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH
MSc Sales Psychology and Sales Management
- Lübeck, Germany
Part time
1 year
Distance Learning
English, German
++ one year Master´s ++ 100% online ++ possible Master´s without first degree (without Bachelor) ++ work-accompanying ++ full scholarship worth €9,793.32 to be awarded ++
Sigmund Freud University Berlin
MSc Business & Economic Psychology
- Berlin, Germany
Full time
4 semesters
The focus of the Master's program in Psychology is on teaching key scientific qualifications and practical skills by experienced lecturers from science and practice. Either the specialization International Business and Economic Psychology (German-English program in cooperation with Vienna) or Clinical Psychology (German program) can be chosen. A combination of both majors is also possible. The main objective of our teaching is to enable students to develop an individual professional identity and the correspondingly necessary professional skills, to enable them to take a critical stance in scientific discourse, and to support their personal development. We consider all these aspects as important prerequisites for working with and for people in an (inter)national context. In addition, our network provides connections for internships abroad or exchange semesters at other SFU locations.
Amberg-Weiden University Of Applied Sciences OTH
Master in Applied Organizational Psychology
- Amberg, Germany
Have you always wanted to know what holds the economy together at its core? Are you enthusiastic about the psychological background of personnel management? Are you fascinated by companies in transition? Are you interested in the factors that make up responsible corporate management? Or in the psychological aspects of marketing? Would you like to do research on such topics? The economic and working world is constantly changing. That is why OTH Amberg-Weiden combines its business competence with questions of psychology in the master's program in Applied Organizational Psychology. You will not only analyze economic processes but also learn to recognize the underlying psychological factors. On this basis, you will help international companies, for example, to successfully shape their changes. In this way, you will acquire the skills you need as managers to drive forward personnel and organisational development with foresight, especially in companies operating abroad. You will also create the best prerequisites to accompany such change processes as mentor, coach or consultant. With your expertise, you are not only able to assess complex economic situations in a targeted manner, but you will also be able to assume responsibility for teams and organizations themselves. In view of your professional and social skills, you will also lead responsibly through difficult phases. You will also learn how to use empirical social research to analyze work and consumption-related issues. At the same time, given the teaching languages German and English, you will acquire the communicative competence to lead discussions - also in an international context.
HFH Fernhochschule
Master in Psychology (M.Sc.)
- Online Germany
With the HFH distance learning master’s course in Psychology, you acquire the academic degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) within 4 semesters (plus master’s thesis) and qualify as a psychologist.
Psychologische Hochschule Berlin
Master Psychology (B.SC.)
- Berlin, Germany
Full time, Part time
With the master's program Psychology, a modern study concept was developed at the PHB focusing on the connection between practice and science. The degree course is aligned with the recommendations of the German Psychological Society and also provides insight into important practical fields.
Diploma University of Applied Sciences
Master of Science Psychology with focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment
- Magdeburg, Germany
- Germany Online, Germany
Full time, Part time
5 semesters
The Master program "Psychology with focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment" trains graduates for whom a diverse field of activity awaits. Over the course of the five-semester regular study period, in-depth knowledge and skills in clinical psychology and psychological empowerment are combined with health, preventive and economic issues in an innovative and interdisciplinary manner.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Popular education type
Master Programs in Health Care Mental Healthcare
Germany is a great destination for international scholars and has a high quality higher education system. The value of this level of education has been improved by the Germany's strong economy. Foreign students enjoy excellent living standards in a secure and safe surroundings. Berlin is the capital.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.