4 Mental Healthcare programs in France
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- France
- Health Care
- Mental Healthcare
4 Mental Healthcare programs in France
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Master's Degree Course in Psychology of Cognitive Processes with the Université Lille 3 / FRANCE
- Caserta, Italy
- Lille, France
Full time
2 years
Starting from the academic year 2015-16, the CdLM in Psychology of cognitive processes will include a unitary path to the first year and the possibility of opting, upon enrollment in the second year, for the international path of "Cognitive Psychology and Psychophisiology".
University Of Montpellier (Universite De Montpellier)
Master of Economics and psychology
- Montpellier, France
Full time
The training's main objective is to train experts in surveys and laboratory and field experiments in the humanities and social sciences by training students in various data collection techniques, particularly experimental data: laboratory and lab-in-the-field.
University Of Savoie Mont Blanc
Master in Neuropsychology
- Chambéry, France
Full time
The training offered in the neuropsychology speciality prepares the student to fulfil these missions: clinical interviews, assessments and diagnoses, assessment of residual skills, assessment of emotional, sociocognitive difficulties, screening and advice, assessment of disability, rehabilitation care, follow-up, support, patient and family accompaniment, forensic expertise work, participation in therapeutic, educational, training and research projects.
Executive Master in Change (EMC)
- Fontainebleau, France
- Singapore, Singapore
Part time
18 months
The INSEAD Executive Master in Change (EMC) is a degree programme unlike any other. Spanning over 18 months and eight modules of three to four days, it takes you deep into the basic drivers of human behavior and the hidden dynamics of organisations.
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Master Programs in Health Care Mental Healthcare
France is currently among the 20 best performing countries in terms of the economy due to their excellent results-oriented higher education learning. Most of the courses at universities are offered in the French language. France has 60 public and 100 private universities.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.