6 Mental Healthcare programs in Colombia
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Colombia
- Health Care
- Mental Healthcare
6 Mental Healthcare programs in Colombia
Konrad Lorenz Universidad
Specialization in Forensic and Criminal Psychology
- Cundinamarca, Colombia
The Specialist in Forensic and Criminal Psychology may work in public and private institutions related to forensic psychological evaluation and with expertise from criminal psychology. You will be able to work and advise in areas related to victims in the framework of judicial processes and you will also be able to work and advise in areas related to the criminological analysis of the most common conflicts in the criminal field. The Forensic and Criminal Psychology Specialist can serve as an expert, advisor, investigator, and trainer. You can carry out your activities in the public and private sectors.
Universidad de la Costa CUC
Master in Psychosocial Intervention
- Barranquilla, Colombia
The Master's in Psychosocial Intervention represents the opportunity to provide our society with professionals with the ability to analyze, interpret, communicate and intervene with scientific grounds, in the different contexts of psychosocial intervention, guiding their actions from the notion of sustainable development. The distinctive features of the Master in Psychosocial Intervention of the Universidad de la Costa CUC, compared to other existing postgraduate programs are: It is the first in the region explicitly aimed at training in skills for psychosocial intervention with an interdisciplinary approach to understanding contemporary psychosocial processes and problems and the national reality. It takes as a reference for training the interrelation systems proposed from the ecological approach of human development proposed by Bronfenbrenner that justify reflection and practice for interaction in different social settings It is framed within the purposes set out in the Sustainable Development Goals, so that the training will have an interest in the generation of knowledge for the transformation of local needs, with a global awareness, promoting empowerment and the guarantee of rights. The subjects have been conceived not only as a compilation of existing information in the field of study from scenarios outside our context, but these are incorporated and contrasted with the local and national knowledge generated by the research groups that support the master's degree, offering a contextualized training, but capable of being articulated to the advances of world order. It makes the research a transversal instrument for the application of professional competencies, regardless of the degree option, in such a way that our students and graduates can analyze, reflect and intervene from scientific reflection on social problems and their psychosocial constructions.
Konrad Lorenz Universidad
Specialization in Child, Adolescent and Family Clinical Psychology
- Cundinamarca, Colombia
Competently train the professional in Psychology, in the clinical management of adjustment difficulties in the behavior of children, adolescents, and their families, making use of available scientific knowledge and resorting to a psychological development perspective to understand these problems.
CES University
- Medellín, Colombia
We train magisters capable of carrying out clinical interventions in the psychotherapeutic field. To do this, we have a clinical-psychological method that, based on complex epistemology, articulates theory, practice, and clinical supervision. We are innovative thanks to our epistemological foundation and the training of students in the face of the realities faced by psychotherapists in the contemporary scenario and their contexts. We carry out activities at the CES University of Medellín and at the IPS CES Sabaneta, which guarantees the highest standards of academic excellence and permanent contact with real situations of psychotherapeutic practice.
Luis Amigo University Foundation (Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó FUNLAM)
- Medellín, Colombia
Occupational profile Direct and coordinate psychosocial care programs and projects. Assume positions in the different areas of social intervention, for the design and implementation of policies related to the purpose of the master's degree. Advise projects in areas of social research and intervention psychosocial. Perform audits of care programs and projects psychosocial. The Master's Program in Psychosocial Interventions of the Luis Amigó Catholic University is aimed at professionals of the Social and Human Sciences and Health Sciences. If the applicant for a Master's degree is a graduate of a program other than the area of knowledge may be admitted as long as the Committee Postgraduate degree so determined, and the applicant demonstrates experience prior, both in research and in the development of the intervention of the object of study of the master's degree.
Mariana University
Master's Degree in Mental Health of Children and Adolescents
- Pasto, Colombia
The growing concern for the quality of life and development of the child and youth population has been on the rise during this century in Colombia and the recognition of children and adolescents as subjects of rights and not as subjects of protection changes the perspective on the country. However, we are still very far from being able to assume these commitments. The psychosocial problem overflows the plans and projects formulated and impacts everyday areas such as the family, school, and communities, seriously affecting the development of children and adolescents and especially their Mental Health.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Popular education type
Master Programs in Health Care Mental Healthcare
Higher education in Colombia is done in the five common international languages namely English, French, Spanish Portuguese and Chinese. This has eliminated the issue of language barriers in these higher education institutions among other international students.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.