9 Mental Healthcare programs in Brazil
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Brazil
- Health Care
- Mental Healthcare
9 Mental Healthcare programs in Brazil
Bahia Adventist University (Faculdade Adventista da Bahia (FADBA))
Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy
- Bahia, Brazil
Enable the training of specialists to act in the diagnosis, guidance, and intervention in clinical and institutional spaces, in accordance with the training specificities of the psychopedagogue. Professionals graduated in the area of health and education, from different fields of activity such as Pedagogues, Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists, Physical Education Teachers, and Professionals in related areas.
Pontifical Catholic University Of Campinas
- Parque dos Jacarandás, Brazil
The Graduate Program in Psychology at PUC-Campinas was created in the late seventies. It originated from a Specialization Course that, when consolidated, made it possible to create an Academic Master's Degree with an area of concentration in clinical psychology. From the theoretical point of view, the two main approaches that were already present in the training of undergraduate students of the then Institute of Psychology - behavioral and psychoanalytic - were respected. The construction of the Master's course counted on the arrival of prestigious professors, recognized both in Brazil and abroad, who contributed to the training of the first masters in Clinical Psychology at the University and in the region. From the end of the 70s to the beginning of the 90s, 125 masters in Clinical Psychology were trained and the program's faculty comprised fifteen researchers. From 1990, due to a growing demand, a new area of concentration in the master's degree - school psychology was created. With the operation of this new area, several changes occurred, among them the restructuring of the physical space and the expansion of the teaching staff. The diversity of theoretical positions and the context conducive to scientific debate contributed to the necessary maturation of the Program, qualifying it for the submission to CAPES of the proposal for the Doctorate course that had the approval, support and institutional enthusiasm. The incentive had arisen from CAPES's own evaluators who considered that there was sufficient maturity to create the doctoral level in order to make the Program complete. In 1995, he started his doctorate in Psychology at PUC-Campinas,
University Santa Cruz do Sul (Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul)
Professional Master in Psychology
- Aeroclube do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
The Graduate Program - Professional Master in Psychology at UNISC aims to train professionals in Psychology, professionals in the field of Health, Human Sciences, and Applied Social Sciences for innovation and the production of new technologies in the field of Psychology. From this, it is intended to train a professional able to propose creative ways to solve problems and face challenges in different work contexts.
Federal University Of Goiás
Master in Psychology
- Parque Itatiaia, Brazil
Since the creation of the Psychology Graduation Course in 2005, the creation of a Psychology Graduate Program at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) was already envisioned. From the conclusion of the first undergraduate class in Psychology in 2010, plans began to be drawn up which resulted, in 2014, in CAPES 'recommendation to create the first stricto sensu Graduate Program in Psychology at a public university in the state of Goiás. The creation of this program is, therefore, the result of the maturation of the undergraduate course in Psychology (undergraduate and bachelor's degree) at UFG, which, in 2013, had four classes with the completed course. Although Psychology is a new course at UFG, it has a teaching staff and a physical space that can contribute enormously to teaching and research in Psychology in the Midwest region. Psychology at UFG has laboratories, study rooms, research centers, a Psychology Center in which teaching, research, and extension activities are carried out in the most different areas of Psychology and, also, a Center for Studies, Research, and Extension of the Adolescent (CEPEA).
University Salgado de Oliveira (UNIVERSO EAD - Universidade Salgado de Oliveira)
Master and Doctorate in Psychology
- Setor Sul, Brazil
The general objectives of the Master's and Doctorate courses are linked to the production of knowledge in the area of Social Psychology and to the training of qualified human resources to work in research, extension, and teaching in higher education. In this sense, it aims to promote the acquisition of competencies and skills necessary for the development of solid scientific training, through theoretical and methodological studies focusing on social psychology in its multiple aspects, in order to contribute to the advancement of Brazilian scientific production. in that area.
UCPEL- Catholic University Of Pelotas
Master in Health and Behavior
- Historical Centre, Brazil
Assessment of Body and Nutritional Composition Study of new methodologies for the assessment of body composition, electrical bioimpedance, and nutritional status, as well as the consequences of malnutrition in clinical and surgical patients.
Universidade Catolica De Pernambuco - Pernambuco Catholic University : UNICAP
Graduate Program in Psychology
- Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Brazil
The Graduate Program in Psychology (PPGPSI) of the Catholic University of Pernambuco is defined as a space for the production and deepening of knowledge and scientific, practical, and ethical training for teaching and research activities in Clinical Psychology, particularly in the context of their specific concerns about family, gender and social interaction issues; fundamental psychopathology and psychoanalysis and clinical psychological practices in institutions. The Master's Course, which started in 1999, conceives as its object of study to prepare professionals from similar areas to become researchers, encouraging the development of research in the Northeast region, in addition to training for the exercise of activities in the clinic, with emphasis on practices psychological problems developed in public health and education institutions.
UCP Catholic University Of Petropolis
Master in Psychology
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The creation of the Master's course in Psychology at the Catholic University of Petrópolis fills a gap in the general structure of postgraduate education in Petrópolis, and may, due to its nature, serve professionals working in neighboring municipalities, both in the mountainous region as well as in others, located between Petrópolis and the municipality of Rio de Janeiro and between Petrópolis and the municipalities that extend to the State of Minas Gerais. In addition, the multi-professional reach of this Master's course in Psychology, aimed at the postgraduate training of professionals in Psychology and related fields, meets both the personal goals of those interested in studying it and social and institutional interests, benefiting the municipalities in the region just mentioned.
Pontificial Catholic University Of Sao Paulo - Pontificia Universidade Catolica De Sao Paulo - PUC SP
Psychology: Social Psychology
- Perdizes, Brazil
The Master and Doctoral Program in Social Psychology aims to develop a theoretically plural Social Psychology, centered on the Brazilian reality and, at the same time, a participant in the international debate.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Popular education type
Master Programs in Health Care Mental Healthcare
Brazil offer a higher education that is partially financed for those students who would like to pursue advanced education. They must be aged between 18 and 35 years. This higher education system enables students to learn practical skills that enable them to face the 21st century challenges.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.