3 Leadership programs found
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- South America
- Management Studies
- Leadership
3 Leadership programs found
Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento
Master in Organizational Studies
- Los Polvorines, Argentina
The master's degree combines a theoretical-methodological perspective and a practical orientation that enables analysis, diagnosis, and intervention in organizational situations. The theoretical perspective articulates the contributions from different disciplines in the field of human sciences to clarify the knowledge of organizations as social systems in their connection with the problems of the context. The methodological perspective integrates data collection and analysis techniques that make it possible to comprehensively explain organizational situations. Both perspectives, articulated with practice, allow the integration of knowledge, both with professional knowledge and with situations from specific work areas, favoring reflection and possible responses to the problems and challenges that the organization is confronted with. The main topics addressed in the training trajectory are problematized based on the different theoretical orientations used to clarify the complexity of organizational situations in concrete intervention situations. The training proposes the direct articulation between theory and practice, between research and action, and gives priority to organizational analysis and the development of intervention capacities, since the center of the analysis and the object of the intervention is a problem to be solved or a situation to clarify and transform.
Catholic University Centre of Santa Catarina (Centro Universitário Católica de Santa Catarina)
- State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
An organization depends on results, strategies, organization, and several other factors that will only be successful, if employees are motivated, and feeling good in the work environment. Therefore, it is essential that leaders have knowledge about the practices of emotional intelligence, positive psychology, leadership, and other factors directly linked to organizational human behavior, and in the relationships between managers and employees, and this is what this course will do for you. Train a manager prepared to master the techniques of interpersonal relationships, and providing understanding about the unique functioning of people and use this in favor of generating results.
The Higher Education Business and Management School | Escola Superior de Administração e Gestão STRONG-ESAGS
MBA in Management: People and Leadership
- Jardim São Paulo, Brazil
The course covers several concepts and practices essential to the training of professionals ready to meet the demand of an increasingly dynamic job market. The course develops a strategic vision, allowing greater efficiency in the process of structuring and synthesizing information related to the Administration area and personal skills in communication, planning, and leadership, contributing to the training of executives prepared for the development and Management of People
Popular Management Studies Leadership degree types
Popular study format
Master Programs in Management Studies Leadership
Leadership is the ability to direct and manage other people, whether within formal or informal contexts. It requires skills such as decisiveness and communication, which may be acquired through participation in a leadership educational program.
Spanning many countries and island territories, South America is home to many Spanish-speaking countries. Here, students can literally walk through history on their way to class and soak up the culture of ancient societies.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.