4 Language Studies programs in Switzerland
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Switzerland
- Humanities Studies
- Language Studies
4 Language Studies programs in Switzerland
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master of Arts in Lingua, Letteratura e Civiltà Italiana
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
4 semesters
Il percorso di Master proposto dall'Istituto di studi italiani presenta una peculiarità del tutto singolare rispetto all'offerta formativa delle altre Università, perché si fonda su un piano di studi costituito da corsi che, ogni anno, si raccolgono attorno a un tema specifico: unità tematica che diviene stimolo e concreta occasione di interdisciplinarità. Esso intende offrire ai suoi studenti l'acquisizione di un maturo diritto di cittadinanza nel dominio della parola, che permetterà loro di interrogare il presente, incamminarsi consapevolmente verso il futuro e, soprattutto, di riconoscere la propria singolarità di persone.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master in Diritto Canonico ed Ecclesiastico Comparato
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
4 semesters
Italian, English
The second level degree or Master of Arts in Comparative Canon and Ecclesiastical Law, issued from the FTL-USI, it stands out for the originality of the proposals compared to study courses of other universities, above all for the attention given to theological training in a comparative perspective.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master in Scienza, filosofia e teologia delle religioni
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
4 semesters
Italian, English
The Master in Science, Philosophy and Theology of Religions was activated in 2006 at the FTL as part of the Re.Te Institute. (Religions and Theology), with the aim of training in the knowledge of religions and interreligious dialogue in an increasingly multicultural world. Since 2014, thanks to the collaboration with the USI eLearning Lab (eLab), the Master has also been activated in an online formula. Today this is the only available way of using its courses.
University Of Bern
Master's in German Studies
- Bern, Switzerland
The Master program encompasses the two subject areas for German language and German literature. The literature component addresses the entire range of German literature, the associated cultural environments, and the relationship between German literature and literature in neighboring countries from the beginnings of German literature to the present day. The influence of Latin on German literature is also taken into consideration here. The advanced and supplementary courses focus on the transfer of literary traditions and the reception of German literature down through the ages, German literary subjects and genres, and the evolution of genres and writing styles, whereby special attention is paid to the continuity in early, modern and contemporary German literature. During the Master program, students may specialize in early German literature, early modern German literature or contemporary German literature.
Popular Humanities Studies Language Studies degree types
Master Programs in Humanities Studies Language Studies
Language studies involves a wide variety of subjects, such as the grammar and vocabulary of a foreign language as well as linguistic principles such as phonology and syntax. These programs are meant to help students learn all about how language works and is applied in the real world.
Switzerland (German: Schweiz, French: Suisse, Italian: Svizzera, Romansch: Svizra. Switzerland has some of the world renown universites like ETH in Zurich, EPFL in Lausanne, IHEID in Geneva, University of Lausanne or the University of St. Gallen. Keep in mind, it's much better to speak the local language, so if you can't speak either French, German or Italian, better go for a language course first.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.