15 Global Healthcare programs found
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- South America
- Health Care
- Global Healthcare
15 Global Healthcare programs found
National University Arturo Jauretche (Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche)
Master in Translational Research for Health (MITSa)
- La Argentina, Argentina
The Master in Translational Research for Health (MITSa) arises linked to the training needs of human resources required by the current scientific-technological context of research in and for health in our country. It was created in 2015 by UNAJ and approved in May 2017 by CONEAU. [1] Since then, work has been done on its implementation, which will be in April 2020. It is no coincidence that recently, in April 2018, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation promoted, from CONICET, the creation of a Translational Research Network in Health (RITS) [2] to advocate for the dissemination of the achievements and uses of this type of research. This Master's Degree is the product of at least ten years of State policies aimed at favoring collaborative work in networks that aim to solve the difficulties of the implementation of research results and to promote the research itself as a result of Institutional collaboration, in that a large part of the teachers participated actively. A crucial aspect proposed by the RITS made up of institutions related to health care, teaching, research, and management is to promote and strengthen the training of health professionals capable of carrying out translational research in health as well as the generation and the development of centers dedicated to translational research and in particular epidemiology, clinical and health research. It is in this context that the UNAJ proposal, with the collaboration of the National Academy of Medicine, through the Epidemiological Research Institute, contributes to current and future state policies.
H. A. Barcelo Foundation | Fundacion
Master in Public Health
- La Rioja, Argentina
Competences and objectives Upon completion of the Master in Public Health, the graduate will have: Conditions to recognize diverse tendencies of sanitary organization, new epidemiological approaches, and technological innovations. Tools to identify local, regional and international health systems in their socio-political features, and bioethical aspects —human rights, multiculturalism— that constitute essential components of modern societies. Qualification for job placement in health service organizations and skills to address the broad spectrum of activities in the field of administration of these services and the health of society in general. Ability to produce relevant disciplinary knowledge, with a high academic, theoretical, and scientific level.
Fundación Universitaria Del Área Andina
- Pereira, Colombia
The world is not prepared to face a pandemic, and beyond knowing if it will happen or not, it is a question of when it will happen. For this reason, the role that epidemiologists play is so important within the health unit and at certain government levels and public policy generation, because they have disciplinary information that allows them to observe health problems from a population and circumstantial perspective, which gives them a broad understanding of the issues that affect the world. The profound sociodemographic and migratory changes make greater academic training necessary; At AREANDINA we take on the challenge of improving the profile of professionals in the health sector and for this, the master's degree in Epidemiology provides conceptual and technological tools that allow the analysis of evidence for decision-making on health problems, at an individual and collective level, based on of the foundations of epidemiological surveillance and research, with the aim of optimizing public policies to have a better response capacity.
University Of Concepción Chile
- Concepción, Chile
Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary scientific discipline that studies the relationships between man, the activity he performs, and the elements of the system in which he is immersed, in order to reduce the physical, mental and psychic loads of the individual and to adapt the products, systems, workstations, and environments to the characteristics, limitations, and needs of its users; seeking to optimize its effectiveness, safety, comfort and the overall performance of the system. The Master in Ergonomics is a professional program that provides a global vision of Ergonomics, which will prepare our students to integrate teams in which they can work and collaborate, making known the advantages of applying the concepts learned, thus improving the work environment of organizations and your productivity. The Master's program in Ergonomics is taught in a blended mode using an interactive platform that provides a suitable learning environment to be used by national and foreign students. In addition, it has an intensive period of practical training that takes place in the Ergonomics Laboratories of the University of Concepción, during the month of January at the beginning of the second year of study, in which students apply the concepts acquired during training. The program ends with the completion of an applied study in a real work environment that is presented and defended by the student in front of a commission.
CEUMA University (Universidade Do Ceuma (UNICEUMA))
Master in Management of Health Programs and Services
- São Luís, Brazil
The Professional Master's Degree in Management of Health Programs and Services (MGPSS) is a strict sense postgraduate program recognized by the Ministry of Education's Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) since 2013, based on didactic guidance. problematizing pedagogic, with the use of active teaching-learning methodologies, with practice and observation scenarios in a region with favorable social conditions and health indicators and, above all, in need of intervention projects based on results-based management. The MGPPS has a single area of concentration that involves Public Health as a scientific field where knowledge and knowledge about the “health” object are produced and where different disciplines (epidemiology; social and human sciences in health; policies,
University Of Bologna In Buenos Aires
Master in Policies and Management of Health Services
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Master in Policies and Management of Health Services is organized by the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Representation in the Argentine Republic Center for Higher Studies of the University of Bologna, with the collaboration of the Emilia-Romagna Region. The Master's degree aims to train professionals summoned to perform functions for the definition of projects and management of health networks, both in the public and private sectors.
Universidad Del Aconcagua (Mendoza) - Aconcagua University
Master in Public Health and Social Security
- Mendoza, Argentina
The Master's degree is designed to link the need of the environment in terms of health and primary care demands - long documented demands that exceed this document - with an institutional proposal that has prioritized the training of general practitioners and now intends to give continuity to this policy to Through the creation of this career, which also includes Social Security, as this is considered a basic pillar in the maintenance of the health system.
University of Bio Bio
Master in Public Health
- Concepción, Chile
Formar especialistas en Salud Pública, en un contexto complejo y global, que contribuya a mejorar las condiciones biopsicosociales de la población nacional, regional y local, a través del diagnóstico, ejecución y evaluación de programas, mediante la intervención o investigación aplicada en salud, considerando un enfoque por competencia profesional, holístico e interdisciplinario.
University of the Americas
- Providencia, Chile
The Magister One Health - One Health, is based on this interdisciplinary approach that originates in the link and interconnection that exists between the human population, animal populations, and the environment where they live. This concept was conceived to design and implement programs, policies, laws, and research in which multiple sectors communicate effectively and collaborate, across cultures and educational backgrounds, to achieve better public health outcomes. This program addresses a wide range of topics under the One Health approach and provides a foundation in disease principles in the context of ecological, sociological systems, global health (human and animal), and food safety and security.
University Of Los Lagos
Master in Collective Health
- Santiago, Chile
The Master's in Collective Health's mission is to train at the postgraduate level, professionals trained to creatively analyze health problems through a global perspective that considers the social and political context of the territory, from a scientific perspective; deepening the historical character of Chilean and Latin American health, which will allow a multidisciplinary approach to collective health, whose care model is built in a heterogeneous way from the territory where it is going to be implemented.
University of Antofagasta (Universidad de Antofagasta (UA))
Master in Public Health mentions: Epidemiology, Family Health, Occupational Health and Ergonomics, Applied Gerontology
- Antofagasta, Chile
Contribute to the training and development of advanced human capital, in public health sciences, to optimize the health of the population from the field of the directive and professional management. Generate research, to provide interdisciplinary and intersectoral responses to the priority health problems of the population.
University of Atacama
Master in Qualitative Research Methodology in Health version 2021
- Copiapó, Chile
With the aim of developing solid theoretical and practical bases for Research with a Qualitative, Holistic, and Transdisciplinary Approach, the University of Atacama is in the process of starting with the third version of the Master's Degree in Methodology from Salíster in Methodology of Investiges directives de Qualitativión different disciplines who want to take the postgraduate degree.
Industrial University of Santander
Master of Epidemiology
- Bucaramanga, Colombia
The Master's Degree in Epidemiology has contributed to the training of human talent in Santander, favoring the consolidation of epidemiological research in the region and in the country through the Industrial University of Santander as a strategy to comply with one of its institutional policies, including, that of social responsibility contemplated in the Institutional Project. “It is a matter of fully assuming the public condition of the University to respond to the national need for high-quality and relevant training, generating within it the knowledge, attitudes and innovative practices that allow thinking and transforming the country and the region with ethical sense and political responsibility ”.
Mariana University
Master of Epidemiology
- Pasto, Colombia
The training of epidemiologists in the Master's program is justified given the advances in science and the need to train health professionals to generate new knowledge by conducting research according to the needs of the country. Through evidence-based practice, apply the knowledge generated in decision-making to contribute to improving the quality of health programs, offered both in the preventive field, at the community and individual level, as well as in the field of the clinic, providing tools to raise the quality of care and rationalization of resources.
Texila American University
Master of Public Health
- Lusaka, Zambia
- Sharjah, United Arab Emirates + 3 more
Full time, Part time
2 years
Distance Learning
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Master Programs in Health Care Global Healthcare
Students who are interested in improving health conditions in countries around the world may considering pursuing study in the field of global health. In this field, students may examine various disciplinary perspectives to understand the causes of disparate health systems and seek to develop long-term healthcare solutions.
Spanning many countries and island territories, South America is home to many Spanish-speaking countries. Here, students can literally walk through history on their way to class and soak up the culture of ancient societies.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.