11 programs in Karlsruhe
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Germany
- Karlsruhe
- Part time
11 programs in Karlsruhe
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Master in Energy Engineering and Management
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Part time
20 months
Get a comprehensive understanding of present and future energy systems and the complex interactions of their components. Graduates can analyze and optimize energy system efficiency, availability and safety.
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Master in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Part time
20 months
The Master Program in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management offers a unique combination of courses in emerging technologies & systems engineering.
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Master in Information Systems Engineering & Management
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Part time
20 months
In the new Master Program in Information Systems Engineering and Management, IT specialists and computer scientists, as well as business administrators and engineers, will be enabled to advance internal and external digitalization and to assume leadership functions, especially in the field of the digital transformation of companies.
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Master in Management of Product Development
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Part time
20 months
The Master Program in Management of Product Development enables participants to analyze, design, operate and implement product development processes in their companies in an optimized way.
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Master in Production and Operations Management
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Part time
20 months
The Master in Production and Operations Management enables engineers to analyze, understand, and manage operations of a manufacturing or service organization, especially in a global context.
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Master in Financial Engineering
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Part time
20 months
The Master Program in Financial Engineering provides innovative solutions of pricing, hedging, trading and portfolio management problems by employing advanced mathematical methods and computer technology.
Diploma University of Applied Sciences
Master of Science Psychology with focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment
- Magdeburg, Germany
- Germany Online, Germany
Full time, Part time
5 semesters
The Master program "Psychology with focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment" trains graduates for whom a diverse field of activity awaits. Over the course of the five-semester regular study period, in-depth knowledge and skills in clinical psychology and psychological empowerment are combined with health, preventive and economic issues in an innovative and interdisciplinary manner.
Diploma University of Applied Sciences
Master of Arts in Economics and Law, focus on management
- Germany Online, Germany
Part time
4 semesters
Distance Learning
The master's degree in business and law with a focus on management is aimed at people with a first academic degree in the form of a bachelor's or diploma, for example for graduates of the Bachelor's degree in business administration (BA) from DIPLOMA. The distance learning enables professional specialization and deepening with an international orientation for international corporate management.
Diploma University of Applied Sciences
Master of Arts in Business and Law, specializing in business law
- Germany Online, Germany
Part time
4 semesters
Distance Learning
The Master's degree in Business and Law with a focus on business law is aimed at people with a first academic degree in the form of a bachelor's or diploma, for example for graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Business Law (LL.B.) from DIPLOMA. The distance learning enables a further technical deepening and specialization with a professional perspective on international management.
Diploma University of Applied Sciences
Master of Arts Creative Direction - leadership in the context of creative processes
- Aalen, Germany
- Baden-Baden, Germany + 12 more
Part time
5 semesters
Distance Learning
The Master's degree in Creative Direction - Leadership in the Context of Creative Processes (MA) is aimed at people with a first academic degree in the form of a bachelor's or diploma who want to acquire a further academic degree in addition to their profession or other, for example, family commitments.
Fraunhofer Academy
Master in Software Engineering for Embedded Systems
- Baden-Baden, Germany
Part time
4 semesters
Distance Learning
The Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE offers a unique part-time Master's course which is primarily run as a distance learning program by the Distance and International Studies Center (DISC).
Popular degree types
Popular study format
Part time Master Programs in Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe is a city with hot summers and has an oceanic climate. It is located in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany and is home to more than 200,000 people. The city is renowned for its universities and other fine establishments of higher education. They major in research, science, and technology.
Germany is a great destination for international scholars and has a high quality higher education system. The value of this level of education has been improved by the Germany's strong economy. Foreign students enjoy excellent living standards in a secure and safe surroundings. Berlin is the capital.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.
Part time learning allows one to obtain part-time degrees even if one cannot attend school on a full-time basis. One can learn at his or own pace, gradually accumulating credits which count towards final qualification.