18 programs in Palaiseau
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- France
- Palaiseau
18 programs in Palaiseau
Télécom Paris
Mastère Spécialisé Architecte Digital d'Entreprise
- Palaiseau, France
Part time
13 months
Devenez maître d’œuvre de la transformation digitale ! Pour rester compétitives, les entreprises et les organisations sont en profonde transformation. Nouveaux usages, nouveaux services, données massives, enjeux de cybersécurité et d’architecture numérique… Dans cet écosystème à forte dynamique, les entreprises se doivent de repenser leur gouvernance, leur organisation, leurs systèmes d’information, leurs outils informatiques et leur connectivité. Pour les accompagner, elles s’appuient sur des experts à large spectre, des pilotes de la transformation numérique : les architectes digitaux d’entreprise. Grâce à une méthodologie unique, s’appuyant sur une pluralité de domaines, le Mastère Spécialisé Architecte Digital d’Entreprise Bac+6 (RNCP) offre une vue transverse de tous les aspects de la transformation digitale des entreprises.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Quantitative Sociology and Demography
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
The Quantitative Sociology and Demography course offers innovative and demanding training in quantitative sociology, in line with the most contemporary developments in the discipline and fully in line with the scientific dynamics of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris . The training responds to current challenges by relying on the recognized expertise of ENSAE - in partnership with UVSQ and ENS Paris-Saclay - in the training of students in quantitative methods.
Télécom Paris
Specialized Master® Artificial Intelligence
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
14 months
Anticipate current industrial and societal challenges, become a player in ethical AI! Artificial intelligence experts are highly sought after in all sectors. The Specialized Master in Artificial Intelligence from Télécom Paris is an expert course in line with the market's needs for artificial intelligence skills. Designed in partnership with ENSTA Paris and Télécom SudParis, this training is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE).
Télécom Paris
Master of Science in Engineering (Diplôme d'ingénieur)
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
English, French
Join the first French graduate engineering program in digital technology to imagine and design digital solutions for a more sustainable future! The Master of Science in Engineering is a unique degree: - Based on scientific excellence - Offering a global approach to digital technology, from science to business and the environment - With an emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurial skills. - Highly personalized with many options, specializations and even the possibility to graduate from both Telecom Paris and a partner school or university. - Includes a 6-month paid internship
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Physics
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
English, French
The Physics Master’s program is designed for students who want to obtain high-level training in experimental and theoretical physics, paving the way to enter a Ph.D. program or build a career in industry. You may follow 2-year tracks in High Energy Physics or in Physics by Research. Otherwise, you are offered the possibility to attend a first multidisciplinary year in Physics with 4 majors that enable you to choose among 6 second-year specializations: - International Center for Fundamental physics - Large Facilities - Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanosciences - Materials Science and Nano-Objects - Physics of plasmas and fusion - Quantum Devices
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Nuclear Energy
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
The Nuclear Energy Master’s is a high-level international program built in partnership with the most elite engineering schools, whose objective is to provide top foreign and French students with the main knowledge necessary for the nuclear industry producing low‐carbon electricity. The program targets current and future needs of the nuclear industry: optimizing the performance of existing nuclear reactors, designing third-generation nuclear installations (reactors and factories for fuel cycle), develop new fourth-generation processes and systems, operate installations, manage waste and decommissioning.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Mechanics
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
The Mechanics Master at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers students a high-level research-oriented program covering a wide range of scientific domains from fundamental to applied mechanics. The first year research areas cover smart structures, environmental sciences, complex fluids, turbulence, waves, and metamaterials and a track is dedicated to Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering. In the second year, besides the Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering track presented below, you may specialize in 3 other fields: - Water, Air, Pollution and Energies - Fluid Mechanics - Solid Mechanics
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Mathematics and Applications
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
French, English
The Master in Mathematics and Applications aims to provide students with a solid foundation in the main areas of applied mathematics (deterministic and stochastic modeling, optimization, control systems, statistics, scientific computing), ensuring the right balance between theory and practice.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Innovation, Industry and Society
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
French, English
In order to survive in hyper-competitive markets, companies have to innovate more frequently and more radically. This program aims at providing cutting-edge frameworks and methodologies to help face this challenge. Students will develop strong expertise both in terms of technology and management.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Sciences and Technologies for Energy
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
English, French
Sciences and Technologies for Energy Master’s program will allow students to acquire high-level scientific knowledge of energy storage and distribution ; energy efficiency ; clean energy production. They will be able to solve complex problems relating to smart grids, network security and data management, taking into account relevant technical, economic, social and environmental challenges.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Electrical Engineering Science
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
Master’s program in Electrical Engineering provides students with courses in the basic sciences with four majors that will set the path for their specialization in the second year in one the following 7 fields: 1/Embedded Systems and Information Processing; 2/Information Processing and Data Exploitation 3/Learning, Communications and Security 4/Multimedia Networking 5/Optical Networks and Photonic Systems 6/Radio Systems 7/Virtual and Augmented Reality
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Economics
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a two-year research-oriented program in economics taught in English. This program offers advanced training in economics through coursework and faculty supervision. It is aimed at students who want to become professional economists working in government, central banking, international organizations, consulting, finance, or academic research. The program heavily relies on advanced quantitative methods for both theoretical and empirical analysis.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Research Master in Design
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
The Research Master in Design focuses on the research practice specific to design. Through a multidisciplinary approach, it addresses and questions the positioning, questions and strategies of design research. The aim of this master's degree is to train designer-researchers capable of questioning the forms of contemporary life through the project and research in design.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Chemistry
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
Chemistry is a science that can be used to resolve many of the challenges faced by society today, from health issues to sustainable development. This program has been designed to provide students with cutting-edge knowledge in chemistry to be equipped to meet these challenges. The program builds strong expertise in many different fields of chemistry including organic, organometallic, supramolecular, solid-state, and inorganic.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Master in Biology and Health
- Palaiseau, France
Full time
2 years
This Master’s program is dedicated to molecular and cellular biology. It maintains a strong link between reductive molecular and structural approaches, as well as between more integrated approaches of cell biology & organism development and new therapeutic strategies. This multidisciplinary program looks at progress in biology (observation, sequencing, synthesis of the genome, and omic approaches) through dialog with other disciplines including physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and mechanics.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Master Programs in Palaiseau, France
France is currently among the 20 best performing countries in terms of the economy due to their excellent results-oriented higher education learning. Most of the courses at universities are offered in the French language. France has 60 public and 100 private universities.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.