0 Forensic Chemistry programs in United Kingdom
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- United Kingdom
- Natural Sciences
- Chemistry
- Forensic Chemistry
0 Forensic Chemistry programs in United Kingdom
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Clear filtersMaster Programs in Natural Sciences Chemistry Forensic Chemistry
Students of forensic chemistry programs often find the prospect of supporting law enforcement processes through scientific work appealing. This course of study investigates topics such as chemistry and DNA analysis with a focus on practical applications in a criminal justice setting.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom and Britain, is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. The two most famous (and oldest) universities are Oxford and Cambridge (often referred to as Oxbridge by many Britons). England also has several other world-class institutions, including several in London (notably Imperial College, the London School of Economics, University College London and King's College London, all are part of London University).
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.