15 Economics programs in Switzerland
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Switzerland
- Economic Studies
- Economics
15 Economics programs in Switzerland
United International Business School
MIM - Master in International Management - Global Economics
- Zürich, Switzerland
- Antwerp, Belgium + 7 more
Full time, Part time
9 months
Blended, Distance Learning, On-Campus
Upon successful completion of the study program students receive an international private Master in International Management (MIM) degree with a specialization in Global Economics, awarded by the school's main campus in Zurich, Switzerland, based on the recommendation of the faculty of the local campuses where credits were earned, and upon the recommendation of the school's Academic Council.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master of Science in Economics
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
3 semesters
The MSc in Economics (ME) is an advanced program offered by the Faculty of Economics at the Università della Svizzera Italiana. The MSc in Economics (ME) is an advanced programme offered by the Faculty of Economics at the Università della Svizzera italiana. The goal of the Master is to teach students how to analyze economic problems at the national as well as international level and how to identify the most appropriate policy instruments. In a cordial environment and in close interaction with the Faculty, the students will be equipped with the quantitative methods and the analytical tools necessary for a successful career as a professional economist in the private or public sector. To optimally prepare for different career paths, the students have the option to acquire additional programming skills (minor in data science) or additional tools relevant for public policy analysis (minor in public policy). The master will also drive interested students into a Ph.D program.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master of Arts in International Tourism
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
2 years
Tourism has grown to become a global economic industry. Managing international tourism means understanding its diversity and requires a frequent change of perspectives between the various stakeholders involved in tourism: different types of tourists, tourism businesses, the local community, tourism employees, governments, NGOs, activist groups, and tourism industry associations to name a few.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master of Science in Economics and International Policies
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
4 semesters
The Master in Economics and International Policies (MEPIN) is offered by the Faculty of Economics of the USI Università della Svizzera italiana, based in Lugano, in collaboration with the “Alta scuola di economica e relazioni internazionali” (ASERI) of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, based in Milan.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master of Science in Marketing and Transformative Economy
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
4 semesters
The Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy is not just another Master in Marketing. Its ambition is to offer established marketing wisdom and practice and expand them further. First, the Master brings marketing aims beyond customer satisfaction, to cater to individual and collective well-being. This allows marketers to pursue new business opportunities by improving customers’ economic as well as emotional, environmental, physical, and psychological well-being. Second, traditional marketing just focuses on market systems. This program also covers new exchange systems, including access-based, circular, gift, and sharing economy, which has fostered gratuity, indirect reciprocity, and use as an alternative to ownership. Last, marketers are today confronted with conflicting expectations (e.g., craftsmanship/mass-production, exclusivity/accessibility, proximity/global reach, human-touch/technological mediation). The Master tackles these challenges, by enriching economic thinking with cultural and social understanding. In sum, these substantial innovations provide students with unique, up-to-date knowledge and expertise to make marketing professions transformative for economy and life.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Master of Science in Economia e Politiche Internazionali
- Lugano, Switzerland
Full time
4 semesters
The Master in International Economics and Politics (MEPIN) is offered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Italian Switzerland, USI, based in Lugano, in collaboration with the High School of Economics and International Relations (ASERI) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Cuore, based in Milan. The full-time study program includes 120 ECTS for a usual duration of 4 semesters and gives the possibility of obtaining a double degree.
University of Lausanne
Master of Law in Law and Economics
- Lausanne, Switzerland
Organised jointly by the Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration and the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne), this programme is intended to supplement initial training in law and/or economics with an interdisciplinary approach, allowing students from each of these two fields to acquire a thorough knowledge of the other discipline. There is indeed a manifest need for professionals who can combine a thorough knowledge of law with a good understanding of economics. At a time when transversal skills are increasingly important, the Masters offers law students and economics students the possibility of acquiring knowledge relevant to different economic sectors of the world of business.
University Of Bern
Master's in Applied Economic Analysis
- Bern, Switzerland
Our graduates are able to use the appropriate theoretical concepts, empirical methods and data to analyze applied questions relevant for economic policy making, private and public investment decisions and business strategy. Skills in applied economic analysis have always been in high demand. With the recent, challenging developments in the global economy, their value has increased even more. Private firms as well as government agencies need the services of professionals who are able to combine economic theory with knowledge of the relevant data as well as the adequate empirical methods to answer all sorts of practical questions. In a globalized and crisis-prone environment with constantly changing economic conditions, strategic decisions of firms as well as the design of economic policies have to be based on competent and timely empirical analysis.
University Of Bern
Master's in International and Monetary Economics
- Bern, Switzerland
The Universities of Bern and Basel offer a challenging Master’s program in International and Monetary Economics with the possibility of additional specialization in financial markets-banking-prudential regulation and quantitative macroeconomics. The program is in English and is run jointly by the two Universities.
University of Neuchatel, Faculty of Economics and Business
Master of Science in Economics, Major in Economic Policy (MScECON)
- Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Full time
3 semesters
The Master of Science in Economics, major in Economic Policy program provides students with the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge in economics at the advanced level while specializing in economic policy analysis. The emphasis is put on core competencies directly applicable to the workplace. The program content is based on solid theoretical underpinnings and cutting-edge technical skills while covering a wide range of policy applications. The teaching language is English.
University of Lausanne
Master of Science (MSc) in Economics
- Lausanne, Switzerland
The primary objectives of the various modules of the MScE are to introduce, to analyze and to apply state-of-the-art methods in economic and econometric research. It thus offers foundations in economic analysis and its applications which are key towards making real analytical and managerial contributions in both public and private sector positions, or in the world of academic research.
University Of Bern
Master's in Economics
- Bern, Switzerland
This Master program at the University of Bern expands the knowledge students have attained at the Bachelor level and addresses selected topics in various areas. The Master program is more specialized than the Bachelor program, while also offering a relatively broad-based education. The program challenges students intellectually and presents them with situations they might confront in practice: Students work together in groups, conduct their own independent studies, implement their ideas and are given the opportunity to work in an international environment. The program's combination of theory and practice prepares them perfectly for the working world.
University of Basel
Master of Science in Economics and Public Policy
- Basel, Switzerland
Full time, Part time
3 semesters
The curriculum of the Master in Economics and Public Policy provides you with the tools that you need to understand public policy challenges and to develop effective solutions. In a series of core courses you will learn the fundamentals of economics and quantitative methods essential for the analysis of public policy using real-world applications. You can specialize in one of three economic policy fields: Energy & the environment, competition & regulation, and health & labor markets, which will sharpen your profile and foster your skills directed towards problem solving in the manifold areas of economic policy.
University of Lausanne Faculty of Business (HEC Lausanne)
Master of Science in Political Economy
- Lausanne, Switzerland
The main objectives of this program are to introduce, analyze and apply research methods in political economy and econometrics. It thus offers you the basics of economic analysis and its applications, key skills to occupy analytical or managerial positions in the public and private sectors, as well as in academic research. Suggested mentions Macroeconomic policy Microeconomic policy Quantitative economics Business Economics Specialization possible Behavior, economy, and evolution
University of Zurich Faculty of Economics
Master of Arts (MA) in Management and Economics
- Zürich, Switzerland
Full time, Part time
2 years
Offered by the University of Zurich, an innovative institution that offers world-class graduate programs taught by leading international scholars in one of the most international cities in Europe. We invite you to make our Master program the next step in your career development.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Popular education type
Master Programs in Economic Studies Economics
There is evidence of economic writing that dates all the way back to the Mesopotamian era. The development of modern economics is largely due to two groups which were known as the physiocrats and the mercantilists. These groups help develop capitalism in Europe in the 16th century.
Switzerland (German: Schweiz, French: Suisse, Italian: Svizzera, Romansch: Svizra. Switzerland has some of the world renown universites like ETH in Zurich, EPFL in Lausanne, IHEID in Geneva, University of Lausanne or the University of St. Gallen. Keep in mind, it's much better to speak the local language, so if you can't speak either French, German or Italian, better go for a language course first.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.