3 Economics programs in Argentina
- Master
- MSc
- MA
- Argentina
- Economic Studies
- Economics
3 Economics programs in Argentina
Universidad Nacional De Salta / National University Of Salta
Master in Development Economics (MED)
- Salta Province, Argentina
The Master in Development Economics (MED) conceives development from a multidimensional perspective, which is why it addresses topics ranging from the Economics of Education to Economic Growth, through the study of innovation, regional development, the environment, poverty, and inequality among many other aspects of economic, social and human development. Any process of economic growth and development requires the deployment of professional capacities, strictly linked to knowledge, which can be created and enhanced by the knowledge offered by a postgraduate program such as the Masters in Development Economics. More specifically, the policies to carry out this process and the quality of the links in the design-execution-evaluation chain of public policies depend crucially on the performance capacities and knowledge of rigorous techniques that allow optimizing the use of the resources they provide. they demand.
Universidad Nacional De Jose C. Paz (UNPAZ)
- José C. Paz, Argentina
The master's degree is a training space oriented to the agendas of economic development, and its challenges, both at the national level and in its articulation with a regional agenda. It is proposed, in the macro of the multiplicity of existing approaches, to provide knowledge that allows knowing and contrasting different economic visions and debates in aspects such as the role of the state and its policy instruments, as well as the different productive, commercial, and financial strategies national and regional integration. It does so from a multidisciplinary approach and especially from a theoretical-practical nature, from delving into specific historical experiences and reflecting on their results. Within this framework, the following objectives are proposed: Contribute to the training of high-level resources with capacities to apply the theoretical and empirical knowledge acquired for the development of activities for the design, planning, management, and evaluation of policies, programs, and actions aimed at promoting economic development at the regional level. Provide methodologies, techniques, and tools of inquiry and quantitative and qualitative for the analysis of economic development processes in the region, through the performance of comparative studies, diagnoses, and evaluation of policies, programs, and projects. Consolidate an academic space for exchange and reflection on the challenges of economic development in the regional context that contributes to the postgraduate training of professionals prepared for the design of public policy strategies for development. To train in the knowledge of the main theories, concepts, and relationships necessary to understand and analyze the problems of economic development, from a historical and critical perspective.
National University of Entre Ríos (Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos UNER)
Master in Socioeconomic Development
- Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina
Promote research and scientific dissemination in the field of socio-economic development that meets local and regional needs; Contribute to the training of excellence of professionals to act in undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as in university extension; Train professionals to act in organizations, in planning, and in the development of business strategies; Strengthen the institutional capacities of the province to act in social management and in the production of knowledge that leads to the formulation and evaluation of public policies, in the search for alternatives for local and regional problems; Enable the integration of post-graduation with different undergraduate courses and of the university with society; Contribute to the design of policies, programs, and projects for the socio-economic development of the province and the region; Promote exchange and collaboration with similar programs in the region (Mercosur, UNASur, CELAC, etc.).
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Popular education type
Master Programs in Economic Studies Economics
There is evidence of economic writing that dates all the way back to the Mesopotamian era. The development of modern economics is largely due to two groups which were known as the physiocrats and the mercantilists. These groups help develop capitalism in Europe in the 16th century.
Argentina is the heart of higher education especially from their research oriented curriculum. This has enabled students to get practical knowledge and skills but also enhanced practical knowledge application. This has helped the scholars to give solutions to the country’s problems.
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.