Master of Science in Business Engineering: Business and Technology
Brussels, Belgium
2 Years
Full time
31 Jul 2025*
22 Sep 2025
EUR 4,960 / per year **
* for EEA nationals | non EEA nationals : 31 March 2025
** for non EEA nationals| EEA nationals: EUR 1157 per year
The Master in Business and Technology, organized by the Solvay Business School of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, focuses on business aspects of modern-day technology. The program contains advanced business courses, technology courses, as well as courses that combine both perspectives, such as the Entrepreneurship course. This Solvay Master of Business & Technology focuses even more on IT and innovation and has a clear international flavor. Students will have the opportunity to take a number of elective courses in the second year, thus allowing them to personalize their curriculum and specialize more in either business, technology, or both.
Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO)

The master's in business and technology is a daytime program that consists of two modules (two years), in total of 120 ECTS credits.
- Module 1 (year 1) is composed of 9 compulsory courses and one elective, in total 60 ECTS credits
- Once you've completed the courses from Module 1, you can start with the second module.
Program Tuition Fee
Scholarships and Funding
We are a public university and thus subsidized by the government. This results in relatively low tuition fees for the bachelor’s, master's, and PhD programs. We have some scholarships available for our master’s programs.
Student Testimonials
Program Outcome
A graduate of the MSc in Business Engineering: Business and Technology:
- has profound insight into, and academic knowledge of, the different disciplines of international business economics;
- has a good overview of and masters a rich and diverse tool kit of business economic paradigms, principles, and models and is able to autonomously, critically, reflectively, and analytically evaluate and argue which could serve as a means to provide sustainable solutions for (business) optimization in a real, uncertain, complex, international and high-technological business context;
- can strategically think, act, undertake and innovate problem-solving, and with profound analytical and multidisciplinary-integrating knowledge and skills;
- is able to retrain oneself on the life-long and autonomous basis in the most up-to-date and advanced developments in international business economics, also integrating other disciplines, and this both on the professional and academic grounds;
- can autonomously consult, analyze and critically interpret scientific research results and has profound knowledge of scientific methodology;
- can autonomously set up and conduct scientific research by means of the suitable scientific method(s) to answer an original research question, and is able to report on this, in writing and orally, incorrect methodological terminology;
- takes with a critical and value-free research attitude initiative and responsibility in autonomously conducting academic research to provide an original contribution to the existing business economic knowledge;
- is aware of and understands the most important up-to-date applications and technologies of at least one of the high-technological sectors that are relevant for regional and global development;
- has profound insight into the process of starting up and managing a high-technological company and is able to apply and translate these insights to a multidisciplinary business plan.
Master of Science in Business Engineering: Business and Technology (120 ECTS).
Students also continue their academic careers as a PhD researcher.
Career Opportunities
A master's degree opens doors in many different branches and sectors. You will be able to work in the private sector, (non-) governmental organizations, or continue your academic career as a Ph.D. researcher. Not sure what your next step should be? The VUB helps you with your first steps on the job market.
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Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.