Master in Marketing and Integrated Communication
Vilnius, Lithuania
1 up to 2 Years
Full time
01 Jul 2025*
01 Sep 2025
EUR 5,460 / per year **
* 1 may for applicants from non-EU/EFTA countries | 1 july for citizens of EU/EFTA
** application fee EUR 100
This program aims to develop Marketing and Communications managers who can base their managerial activities on consumer data analysis. Therefore You will learn how to conduct marketing research and perform statistical analysis of consumer-linked data and how to interpret findings. You will study strategic marketing and strategic brand management. During your studies of integrated communication, digital marketing communication and corporate communication management, you will learn how to communicate with different stakeholders. You will have an opportunity to study marketing-related subjects, such as cross-cultural management, sales management organisational psychology, etc.
Career Opportunities
- Marketing and communication manager in business companies and other organizations.
- Expert in marketing, advertising, public relations, and communication agencies, consulting firms, and market research companies.
Scope of studies: 90 ECTS credits; Length: 1.5 years
Scope of studies: 120 ECTS credits; Length: 2 years in case of double diplomas
1st Semester
Compulsory Courses
- Corporate Communication Management
- Research Methods
- Digital Marketing Communication
- Master Thesis Project I/II
Elective Courses
- Sales Management
- Management of Organisation Image
2nd Semester
Compulsory Courses
- Strategic Marketing
- Global Marketing Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Master Thesis Project II/II
Elective Courses
- Cross-Cultural Management
- Specific Topics in Marketing: Pricing
3rd Semester
Compulsory Courses
- Marketing Analytics
- Statistical Data Analysis of Survey Using SPSS
- Strategic Brand Management
- Master's Final Thesis
Elective Courses
- International E-Commerce and E-Marketing
- Organizational Psychology
Program Outcome
The graduates of the programme will develop the following abilities:
- To plan and perform research on the basis of theoretically sound methodologies
- To collect and analyse secondary and primary data
- To interpret findings in order to use them in marketing strategies
- To develop marketing strategies in accordance with the company’s objectives and the market specifics
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.