Mastère Spécialisé ® Manager in Energy Transition of Urban Systems
Full time, Part time
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LEARN TO DEFINE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY POLICY AND BUILD THE SMART-CITIES OF TOMORROW In 2050, an estimated 66% of the world population will be urban. An evolution impacting particularly emerging countries. Increasing urbanization is associated with energy needs rising sharply. How do we manage to reconcile the two? During this Master Spécialisé® Manager of the Energy Transition of Urban Systems, the student will acquire the knowledge standards and regulations in effect, will include decisions mechanisms that take place in communities, among planners and energy suppliers, and learn to implement diagnostics and analyzing energy issues. Finally, it will be able to manage and seeking support to implement energy policies medium and long terms. Real manager the post-carbon cityHe can organize, lead and arbitrate the critical choices facing the urbanizing areas. This program is jointly developed by the University of Technology of Troyes and EPF, which bring the expertise of their researchers, In the domains :
- sustainable development, environment, territorial approach and digital technologies to UTT
- urban planning, green building, smart cities and energy for EPF
They trust us
[...] This type of training seems to us perfectly relevant to the needs of the labor market and in particular with the need to offer potential well-trained professionals to network technologies, energy transition and urban systems. [...][...] Students who complete this course will have a comprehensive approach to issues of the energy transition, especially in the field of housing, and a deepening of the levers, actions and tools actors mobilize to meet this challenge in a wider scale. They will assist policymakers and stakeholders [...]
They argue that Master Spécialisé®
various functions
- Direction: Strategy, Innovation / Energy, Urban Development, Division Sustainable City
- Expertise: Consultant (e) Digital Building, Auditor (rice) Energy, Analyst
- Coordination: Energy Project Manager, Head of urban project, project leader in sustainable construction
- Ingenieur (e) Commercial, Chargé (e) Business Energy Transition Project,
different companies
- Companies of all sizes: large companies, SMEs, start-ups, consultants, urban planning agencies, architectural firms ...
- Local authorities through their planning skills and their deployment tasks of local energy policies
- The state and its decentralized services, responsible for the development and implementation of public policies such as urban development, energy transition or ICT deployment plans
Strong points
- Opening up the business in line with the future challenges of developed countries, and more, in developing countries.
- A curriculum based on the expertise of research centers of two schools: Troyes University of Technology and ETH
The training is divided into 5 blocks of skillsComposed of teaching units (UE) from 30h to 45h, for a total of 350h. The Master Spécialisé® manager of the Energy Transition of Urban Systems is followed byan internship period on a theme corresponding to the domain studied. The internship can last Minimum 4 months to 6 months and gives rise to the production and defense of a professional thesis. Training EU account for 45 ECTS and 30 ECTS course of defense, for a total of 75 ECTS. The training incorporates a more Travel to international studies to cross the experiences of training devices, support innovation and shared best cities.
block 1
- urban energy landscapes
- 01 EU energy and climate issues
- 02 EU Urban Governance
block 2
- urban energy management
- EU 03 Energy Management: Methods and Tools
- EU 04 urban Approach
- 05 EU Energy and habitat
block 3
- Financing and management of the energy transition
- EU 06 Indicators and control the energy transition
- 07 Models and EU funding mechanisms
block 4
- urban areas in transition
- EU 08 Innovative Technologies and Solutions
- EU 09 The digital transition in the service of power
block 5
- Driving a post carbon city project
- EU 10 Urban Project
Admission & Prerequisites level
Admission by application and personal interview Candidates must hold the following qualifications:
- Diploma engineer authorized by the Engineering Title Commission (CTI list)
- Degree from a qualified business school to deliver the degree of Master (CEFDG list)
- 3rd cycle diploma accredited by the university authorities (DEA's degree ...) or professional degree consistent with the bac + 5
- M1 degree or equivalent, for listeners who have at least three years of professional experience
- Standard registered RNCP level 1
- foreign degree equivalent to the French diplomas required above
The results will be sent by mail and e-mail at the end of each maintenance period.
- Students / Job seekers € 10,500
- Employers / Companies € 17,500
- Community / Public Agents € 13,500
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.