Mastère Spécialisé® in Industry Purchase Engineer
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LEARN TO RECONCILE ETHICS OF PURCHASES AND COMPANY PERFORMANCE With strong skills in purchasing strategy and negotiation,industrial engineer shopping sets up a flow of resources, goods and services, adapted to the strategy and development of the company. He rocks the technical choices of the product, the effective time of purchase, and the negotiation while having a better understanding of the supply chain and a process ofresponsible purchasing. This Master Purchase Spécialisé® meets the requirements of industrial enterprises to sophisticated process. The role of theindustrial buyer takes a more strategic dimension and transverse than mere negotiation to reduce costs. This Bac +6 training is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) and is intended for engineers, holders of Bac 5 and employees wishing to acquire strong skills in purchasing and negotiation strategies in this rapidly evolving field.
They trust us...
"Valeo is a partner of the UTT and have, to date, 19 university graduates in Valeo in France and abroad. (...) We also enjoyed the party took to design this sector by integrating the essential dimensions in the purchasing function of tomorrow, such as integrated supply chain management, ethics and social responsibility. These changes are fully consistent with the needs of businesses, ... ""The purchasing function is still the heart of the strategy of large companies. (...) The ability of Purchasing innovate and lead major projects is probably what best characterizes therefore the function. The desire and ambition as major universities UTT to invest in specialized programs is necessary and encouraging for the future of the purchasing function. This is an essential guarantee to maintain the momentum and diversity of profiles that will create emulation necessary to stimulate the purchasing function and contribute to the success of our businesses. "
Graduates of the Master Spécialisé® Engineer Purchasing can have different functions, such as:
- industrial sourcer
- industrial E-purchaseur
- industrial negotiator
- Buyer industrial project
- Responsible industrial quality shopping
- industrial purchasing group leader
- Purchasing Manager in industrial enterprise
Sectors concerned
- Aerospace
- train
- Pharmaceutical
- automobile
- Energy - Environment
- Defense
- Building public works...
Strong points
- Double engineering competence and buyer
- Speakers procurement specialists and teachers experts in the supply chain
- Taking into account purchases of ethics
- 20% of negotiated
This industrial buyer training is divided into 5 blocks of skills 70h each. Each module consists of two units of value (UV) 35 hours each and includes theoretical courses, practical work and personal projects. The student will complete an internship of at least 4 months in business, produce a report and supporting a professional thesis at the end of the course. block 1
- Marketing strategy and purchases
- Marketing Procurement
- The impact of purchases on the overall business performance
block 2
- Supply Chain Management, procurement and inventory management in industry
- Sizing needs and stock management for procurement optimization
- Impact of logistics and transportation in the procurement strategy in a supply chain
block 3
- Control of costs, risks and ethical image
- Control of costs and risks
- Ethical shopping
block 4
- Industrial specificity
- Specificity of industrial purchases
- Automation of procurement process
block 5
- Technical communication and negotiation
- communication techniques and negotiation support tools
- Negotiating Skills
Admission & Prerequisites level
Admission by application and personal interview. Candidates must hold the following qualifications:
- Diploma engineer authorized by the Engineering Title Commission (CTI list)
- Degree from a qualified business school to deliver the degree of Master (CEFDG list)
- 3rd cycle diploma accredited by the university authorities (DEA's degree ...) or professional degree consistent with the bac + 5
- M1 degree or equivalent, for listeners who have at least three years of professional experience
- Standard registered RNCP level 1
- foreign degree equivalent to the French diplomas required above
The results will be sent by mail and e-mail at the end of each maintenance period.
Tuition fees
- Student / Job Seeker € 11,500
- Employee / Company € 17,500
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.
About the School
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