Master of Science in Economia e Politiche Internazionali
Lugano, Switzerland
4 Semesters
Full time
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CHF 4,000 / per semester *
* la tassa d'immatricolazione è di CHF 4'000-- a semestre, mentre il semestre fuori sede è di CHF 1'000. Totale per quattro semestri: CHF 13'000.
The Master in International Economics and Politics (MEPIN) is offered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Italian Switzerland, USI, based in Lugano, in collaboration with the High School of Economics and International Relations (ASERI) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Cuore, based in Milan. The full-time study program includes 120 ECTS for a usual duration of 4 semesters and gives the possibility of obtaining a double degree, i.e.:
- is a Swiss Master's degree issued by USI (Master's degree pursuant to Swiss legislation);
- sia un titolo di Master universitario di I livello rilasciato dall'ASERI dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano in base alla legislazione italiana.
Nella nuova edizione si è dato più spazio a materie economiche e delle scienze politiche e sono stati introdotti due corsi di "Metodologia della ricerca sociale". Il MEPIN offre un ampio bagaglio di strumenti scientifici e competenze specifiche, indispensabili per la comprensione dei fenomeni economico-politici legati alla globalizzazione ed al funzionamento delle istituzioni pubbliche ed internazionali. Le basi sulle quali si sviluppa l'intero programma sono legate allo studio dell'economia, della finanza, del diritto e delle istituzioni, delle politiche internazionali. Verranno inoltre fornite conoscenze di carattere multidisciplinare e manageriali necessarie per affrontare tematiche quali lo sviluppo sostenibile, l'etica economico-finanziaria e, più in generale, le forme di cooperazione tra autorità pubbliche e operatori economici privati tese al raggiungimento di un obiettivo comune, quale la prestazione di un servizio o la creazione e la gestione di un progetto.
Scholarships and Funding
We invite you to consult the University website.
Structure and contents
The Master in Economics and International Policies (MEPIN) offers a wide range of scientific tools and specific skills, essential for the understanding of economic-political phenomena related to globalization and the functioning of public and international institutions.
The bases on which the entire program is developed are linked to the study of economics, law and institutions, international politics. Multidisciplinary and managerial knowledge will also be provided, necessary to address issues such as sustainable development, market globalization, population aging, migratory phenomena and, more generally, the forms of cooperation between public authorities and private economic operators. the achievement of a common goal, such as the provision of a service or the creation and management of a project.
The study of the areas of intersection between public and private, from the local to the global level, requires skills both in the economic-financial sector and in that of public policies, as well as knowledge of the legal, regulatory and communication aspects relating to relations between the parties . Participants are offered a series of courses at the Lugano and one in Milan. The program is completed with the preparation of a thesis and with an internship in a national or international institution. The multifaceted and interdisciplinary training that MEPIN offers has allowed its graduates to quickly and successfully integrate into multinational companies, banks and financial companies, territorial entities, non-governmental organizations, teaching and research institutes. Graduates of this Master possess both multidisciplinary skills, and specific knowledge in particular in economics and political science, which allow them to operate in all those sectors in which public and private cooperate.
International rankings
The USI in the Times Higher Education (THE) and in the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (QS), among the most widespread and well-known general rankings in the world:
- QS World University Rankings 2023
240.ma to the world
(out of 1500 universities considered) - THE Young University Rankings 2022
57th to the world
among young universities (under 50) - THE World University Rankings 2022
Range 301-350 worldwide
(out of 1600 universities considered) - THE World's Best Small Universities 2021
14.but to the world
among small universities. - QS Top 50 Under 50 2021
26.but to the world
among young universities (under 50)
Disciplinary rankings
In addition to the general rankings on universities, USI records significant results in disciplinary rankings:
- THE rankings by subject area
with positive placings in particular in the IT, Medicine and Health and Economics areas. - Forschungsmonitoring
with high scores in the rankings that measure the impact of research in Economics, especially when referring to the most prestigious academic journals in the sector.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The interdisciplinary training that MEPIN offers has enabled its graduates to quickly and successfully integrate into multinational corporations, banks and finance companies, territorial entities, non-governmental organizations, teaching and research institutes. Graduates of this Master possess both multidisciplinary skills, and specific knowledge in particular in economics and political science, which allow them to operate in all sectors in which public and private cooperate.
Employment Data
94.6% of Mepin graduates are employed with an average time to enter the world of work of around 2.3 months. The majority find employment in Switzerland (44%), mainly in the banking / financial sector or in the public administration. The average salary in Switzerland is around 60,000 Swiss francs.
- Employment * 94.6%
- Average time to enter the world of work 2.3 months
(70% within 3 months: 47% before graduation)
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.