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University of Wollongong Master of Education Advanced (Educational Leadership)
University of Wollongong

Master of Education Advanced (Educational Leadership)

Wollongong, Australia

2 Years


Full time, Part time

Request application deadline *

Request earliest startdate

AUD 45,120 / per year **

Distance Learning, On-Campus

* Domestic Applicants (Direct): 30 June 2019. International Applicants: 12 July 2019. Late applications may be considered.

** For Domestic Students: Session Fee is $11,280/year and Course Fee is $45,120/per year. For International Students: Session Fee is $13,272 per year and Course Fee is $53,088 per year.


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Course summary

The Master of Education Advanced (Educational Leadership) is for people who are currently in educational leadership roles or who wish to pursue leadership positions in educational settings such as schools, early childhood, higher education and vocational education.

During this degree, you will gain extensive practical skills and an advanced theoretical understanding of educational leadership and management, and learn how to apply this to your practice as an educator. You will enhance your skills in areas such as mentoring new educators, managing curricula and assessment, supporting staff development, and leading organisational change. Throughout this degree, you will build the skills to investigate and solve complex issues in a rapidly changing educational climate. You will also conduct an individualised research project that aligns with your work and interests.

You will broaden your Educational Leadership study by undertaking further study in one of the following additional focus areas:

  • Higher Education
  • Information and Communication Technology in Education and Training (ICT)
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

You will also benefit from flexible study options, allowing you to study online or in the classroom.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this course will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of theory and practice in one main specialised discipline as well as one secondary discipline within the field of education in national and/or international contexts.
  2. Demonstrate expert, specialised and technical knowledge in broad educational areas of pedagogy, assessment and curriculum designed to address the needs of diverse learners across a range of educational contexts.
  3. Analyse critically, reflect on and synthesise information to solve complex problems in the educational field.
  4. Conduct independent research and inquiry, involving higher order conceptualisation, innovative ideas and personal initiative.
  5. Demonstrate professional leadership through interpreting and communicating pedagogical knowledge and professional skills to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Course Structure

To qualify for an award of the degree, the Master of Education Advanced, a candidate must successfully complete at least 96 credit points, comprised of

  • 72 credit points in the selected specialisation; and
  • 24 credit points in an additional focus area.

No more than 24 credit points (four subjects) shall be completed at 800 level.

Students must complete the following ten core subjects for the Educational Leadership specialisation (60cp):

Subject CodeSubject NameCredit PointsSession(s)
EDGZ921Introduction To Research & Inquiry6Autumn, Spring, EDU Intake Nov
EDGL901Foundations of Educational Leadership6Autumn
EDGL903Introduction to Educational Management6Spring
EDGX901Psychology for Educators6Autumn
EDGL941Minor Research Project in Educational Leadership6Autumn, Spring
EDGL909Leadership of Effective Change6Autumn
EDGL911Leadership of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment6Spring
EDGL919Mentoring Beginning Teachers6Autumn
EDGL920Leading, Developing and Managing People6Spring
EDGL923Developing Personal & Non-academic Educational Leadership Attributes6Not available in 2019

Plus two elective subjects chosen from any Master of Education specialisation (12cp)

Plus four subjects (24cp) from one of the following focus areas: Higher Education, Information and Communication Technology in Education and Training, or TESOL

Why choose this course

UOW’s School of Education has a reputation for practical programs and flexible learning strategies that produce highly employable educators. It is founded on the expertise of our staff and our strong ties with community organisations and government bodies.


A range of admission options are available for students of all ages and academic backgrounds. The procedures governing admission are defined in UOW's Admissions Procedures and the UOW College Admissions policy.

For any specific advice or questions regarding an application, please contact the Future Students Team.

Entry Requirements

A recognised bachelor's degree in education or teaching, and one of the following:

  • postgraduate qualifications in any field; or
  • professional experience equivalent to one year full-time in an educational field considered by the School to be appropriate to the program of study.


A recognised bachelor’s degree in any field, and one of the following:

  • postgraduate qualifications in education or teaching; or
  • professional experience equivalent to two years full-time in an educational field considered by the School to be appropriate to the program of study.

Additional Requirements

Students who wish to enrol in the elective subject EDGT838 Professional Experience in TESOL must demonstrate proficient professional and communication skills. This subject requires students to undertake 20 hours of supervised professional experience in an ESL classroom.

Credit for Prior Learning

Applicants with a major study in Education plus three years' teaching experience may be eligible for credit for one session of study (24 credit points).

Applicants who have completed one of the following may be eligible for up to 36 credit points of credit towards the Master of Education (Educational Leadership):

  • NSW Primary Principals Association Principals Credential
  • AIS participants completing the Flagship program
  • Three Rivers: Leading Innovation for Inspired Learning
  • School Leadership Institute Aspiring Principals Leadership Program

ACEL participants completing the Early Career Principal Program may be eligible for up to 30 credit points of credit towards the Master of Education (Educational Leadership).

Students who complete the UOW ‘Leading Professional Learning Through Mentoring’ course will receive 6 credit points of specified credit towards the Master of Education (Educational Leadership).

English Requirements for international students

The following level of English is required to gain admission to this program:

IELTS Academic

  • Overall Score: 6.5
  • Reading: 6.0
  • Writing: 6.0
  • Listening: 6.0
  • Speaking: 6.0

TOEFL (Internet-based)

  • Overall Score: 86
  • Reading: 18
  • Writing: 18
  • Listening: 17
  • Speaking: 17

UOW College: English for Tertiary Studies: Credit (weighted average mark of 65 overall and minimum 50 in Academic Reading and Writing)

Other qualifications may also be considered. Full details can be found on our English Language Requirements website.

About the School


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