Master in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine (B4PM)
Trento, Italy
2 Years
Full time
06 Mar 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 4,500 / per year **
* For non-EU citizens living outside Italy March 6th, 2025|For EU citizens and non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy: rolling admission from June to November 2025.
** EU 340€-3400€ (fee range based on personal income and merit); Non-EU: 1000€-4500€ (fee range based on merit only, i.e. score in the application evaluation).
The Master's degree in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine (B4PM) offers multidisciplinary training that combines the fields of biomedical, industrial and information engineering with those of medicine and biology. The Master’s degree is run jointly by three Italian universities: University of Trento: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; University of Verona.
The Master is designed taking into account the current trends in the development of technologies and medicine. It thus offers training in step with the times and is capable of transforming technological evolution into value for the patient, professionals and society in general.
Particular attention is paid to the development of modern medicine, where technologies and health services oriented towards the personalization of care according to the canons of 5P medicine are fundamental: precise, predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory, to which today the theme is added of sustainability.
In this context, the Biomedical Engineer is the main actor in the process of innovation of methods and products through:
- understanding the functioning of complex systems, with attention to biological systems in physiological and pathological conditions;
- the development of new equipment, systems and procedures for prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation, with attention to the issues of quality, safety and sustainability;
- the study and research of innovative advanced materials for precision medicine in the contexts of advanced prosthetics (new prostheses, artificial organs, life support systems, aids and prostheses for the disabled);
- the implementation of technological innovation in Health Services.
Program Overview
Learning objectives
The Master's degree in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine (B4PM) aims to train engineers with a high mastery of the methods for the design, development, characterization, quality control and management of medical devices, systems and services for the promotion of personalized and precision medicine according to logics attentive to sustainability issues.
Engineering knowledge of mechanics, materials, information, electronics and robotics form the starting point of education in the first year of the course.
These are complemented by disciplines and skills related
- to the medical-biological area (physiology, clinical research, medical pathology, medical statistics);
- to biomedical engineering (data supply chain, modeling, artificial intelligence, advanced prosthetics, biofabrication, tissue engineering);
- to product innovation topics (experimental research, clinical research, regulatory, quality, safety).
The integration between STEM skills and those of medicine and biology will be even more advanced in the second year of study, where the student is asked to choose his own specialization curriculum among:
- Digital Healthcare, focuses on the topics of robotics, data management and processing, Artificial Intelligence and process modeling, which constitute the set of technologies enabling the development of healthcare 4.0 and its evolution into healthcare centred on the patient.
- Emerging and Sustainable Medical Technologies, focused on the topics of intelligent biomaterials, tissue engineering, biofabrication and advanced prosthetics for the development of innovative technologies for prevention, diagnostics and therapy in the paradigm of personalized and precision medicine according to logics attentive to sustainability issues.
The Master's Degree programme in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine is a full-time 2-year programme of 120 ECTS (credits). All the courses are taught in English and attending lectures is strongly recommended.
Starting in the 2nd semester of the 1st year, students choose to specialize in one of the two curricula:
- Digital Healthcare
- Emerging and Sustainable Medical Technologies
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships and tuition fees for non-EU citizens living abroad
Top-scored candidates will be entitled to receive a UniTrento scholarship assigned by the Evaluation Committee based on the application score. Tuition fees are waived for students who receive a UniTrento scholarship.
The amount of tuition fees for Non-EU applicants living abroad is related to the application score obtained during the selection. For more information check the UniTrento scholarships web page.
Scholarships and tuition fees for EU Citizens and Non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy
DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) Scholarships are available for EU citizens and Non-U citizens living in Italy who meet the ISEE requirements based on family income. Further information is available on Scholarships starting from June/July.
Details about tuition fees and ISEE are available on the Opera Universitaria web page.
Career Opportunities
The medical device industry and the social and healthcare services sector are constantly growing in Italy and around the world. It is a very heterogeneous, highly innovative and specialized economic fabric, where small companies coexist with large groups.
The master's degree program in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine allows for employment in a wide variety of manufacturing and service settings where the integration of solid engineering skills
with knowledge of the medical sciences is needed.
The professional fields are those of innovation and development of technologies, advanced design, planning and programming, and management of complex systems.
The graduate will be able to work in industrial and commercial enterprises, public and private health services, and public administration.;
Graduates in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine can apply for membership in the Order of Engineers of their province after having taken the State Exam.
Possible employment sectors include:
- Design of biomedical products
- Employee and/or coordinator of quality, safety and organizational services in the healthcare
sector - Production operative manager
- Product manager
- Clinical engineer
- Head of health information systems
- Manager of complex processes and systems
- Technology park manager in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.
Post-graduate education opportunities
The master's degree in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine allows graduate students to continue their studies by attending national and international schools of:
- PhD in the fields of science and engineering in biomedical topics, health technologies, industrial innovation, etc.
- Specialization and second-level Master's degree for the management of technology parks, innovation in medicine, evaluation of health technologies, risk analysis and management, etc.
- Specific Masters for the Clinical Engineer profession.
English Language Requirements
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