University of Strasbourg
Strasbourg is the second most international university city in France (after Paris).
The University of Strasbourg's 37 departments of studies cover 5 major academic fields: Arts, literature and languages; Law, economics, management and political science; Humanities and social sciences; Science and technologies; Health. Listed below are the University's departments, faculties, schools and institutes.
Arts, Literature and Languages
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Faculty of Applied Language Studies and Humanities (LSHA)
- Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Faculty of French Literature and Language
Law, Economics, Management, Political and Social Sciences
- Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)
- School of Journalism (CUEJ)
- EM Strasbourg Business School
- Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Institute of Political Studies (IEP)
- General Administration Preparatory Institute (IPAG)
- Labour Institute (IDT)
Social Sciences and Humanities
- Faculty of Geography and Planning
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Faculty of Protestant Theology
- Faculty of Sports Science (STAPS)
- Graduate School for Teaching and Education ( ESPE)
- Faculty of Psychology
- Faculty of Historical Sciences
- Faculty of Social Sciences
Science and Technology
- School and Observatory of Earth Sciences (EOST)
- European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM)
- Telecom Physique Strasbourg (TPS)
- Strasbourg Graduate School of Biotechnology (ESBS)
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Life Sciences
- Haguenau University Institute of Technology (IUT)
- Louis Pasteur University Institute of Technology (IUT Louis Pasteur)
- Robert Schuman University Institute of Technology (IUT Robert Schuman)
- Astronomical Observatory
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Department of Physics and Engineering
- Faculty of Dental Medecine
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Strasbourg
Université de Strasbourg 4 rue Blaise Pascal CS 90032 F-67081 Strasbourg cedex, , Strasbourg