MA in Specialised Translation
London, United Kingdom
1 up to 2 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline *
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GBP 15,450 / per year **
* UK Students and other students not requiring a Tier 4 visa. If you are an international student, you should apply as soon as possible
** September 2022: £8,950 per year for UK. £15,450 per year for EU and international
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This programme aims to address the growing demand for translators with skills in translating technical texts and will familiarise you with the socio-cultural, linguistic and technical dimensions that characterise specialised multilingual material.
During the course, you will also address the main theoretical issues shaping translation today and understand how these theories relate to the practice of translation. You will learn how to document your translations efficiently and make appropriate use of research tools in solving technical and scientific translation problems.
IT skills are central to a translator's work, and the compulsory module ‘Translation Tools’ will familiarise you with some of the translation tools you will be using in your professional life. These include terminology databases, translation memory tools, and other computer-assisted translation systems, as well as machine translation services.
You will work between English and another language of your choice, translating into your mother tongue. There is a strong emphasis on translation tools (in particular SDL Trados Studio) and on localisation, e.g. for video games, as well as on technical and scientific translation, and translation-specific professional skills. In addition, you will be able to choose optional modules from the wide range offered in our other MA courses, the MA Audiovisual Translation and the MA Intercultural Communication in the Creative Industries.
You will complete your MA with a dissertation, which allows you to carry out a practical translation task with a commentary or to apply your understanding, knowledge, and analytical, conceptual and personal skills to an in-depth investigation of a translation-related topic.
You will be taught by staff who are leaders in the field of translation and whose work has influenced national and international organisations. They work closely with the industry and bring in prominent professionals to teach and give talks, helping you to make vital industry contacts. The programme is a corporate member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.
Roehampton boasts state-of-the-art language labs with cutting-edge translation software, including SDL Trados Studio, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and WinCAPS. The lab features a training suite and an open access area where you can work independently.
Placements with translation/localisation companies are at the heart of this MA. Placements are not compulsory, but you will benefit from the extensive industry contacts of members of staff and the visits of key professionals in order to help you find a placement that suits your interests.
In recent years our graduates have found work with a broad range of organisations including media companies and broadcasters such as the BBC, France TV, and RTVE; subtitling companies such as Red Bee Media, Deluxe, ITFC; and translation and localisation providers including Pole To Win, London Translations, and Smoke & Mirrors.
A Windows OS computer is necessary to use most of our professional software packages.
Out of English into Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
Into English from French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish
(Contact us about other language pairs)
Level 7
Compulsory modules
- Translation Tools
- Technical and Scientific Translation
- Theory of Translation and Intercultural Communication
Optional modules
- New Trends in Translation and the Media
- Cultural Adaptation in the Creative Industries
- Professional Skills for Translators
- Transcreation and the Creative Industries
- Dubbing and Voice-over
- The Localisation of Video Games
- Subtitling: Concepts and Practice
- Access Services: Audio Description and Captioning
- Dissertation
These modules are those we currently offer and may be subject to change each year.
Career Opportunities
Career Options
Specialised translator, subtitler, technical writer, editor, terminologist, project manager or localiser.