MA in Classical Music Performance (Piano, Violin, Flute, Guitar)
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 3,500 / per semester
These programs are for the truly committed – for those young artists who do have the aim to be on stage regularly. In the instrumental performance classes held two times a week through four semesters the goal is to achieve:
- technical abilities of a real virtuoso,
- playing stability and reliability,
- detailed stylistic knowledge of all major eras and genres of classical music related to the instrument studied,
- an ability to shape the musical process down to the smallest nuances and shades with ease and creativity,
- a fundamental respect for the composer’s instructions, put into a viable combination with the performer’s own ideas and personality,
- and, possibly most importantly: an open spirit with an honest motivation to, and ability of, getting in touch with the emotional essence of the music performed, and communicating it to the audience in a straightforward yet sophisticated manner.
In addition to solo performance, chamber music also has an emphasized role in the program, with one lesson per week through all semesters, with the possibility of freely experimenting with several different ensemble formations, or studios of different chamber music teachers.
Playing in large ensembles such as an orchestra or chorus is also an integral part of the education. For pianists and guitarists we offer such experience in the university mixed chorus, where their musicianship is further refined by the practice of becoming a single part of a large polyphonic whole, having to think and feel far beyond the self. For violinists and flutists, in addition to the abovementioned musical refinement benefits, it might be of vital interest in their near future to acquire practical, well utilizable experience in orchestral playing. We have designed the MA program to fulfill all these expectations with regular orchestral and choral concerts, with both regular and intense pre-concert rehearsal sessions, under the batons of nationally renowned professional choral and orchestral conductors.
Complementary subjects such as music history, analysis or composition practice serve to further widen the range of theoretical knowledge of the student, which, in an indirect and subtle way, later always puts itself in the service of the practice of music making on the stage.
Career opportunities
- Music accompanist
- Soloist
- Chmber or orchestral musician
- Undergraduate music teaching
Application Procedure
Examples of Subjects During the Studies
Basic Module | Studies on Professional Practice |
Professional Obligatory Module | Differentiated Professional Subjects |
Optional Subjects | |