University of Memphis
Located in a vibrant neighborhood in Memphis, Tennessee, the UofM is a major research institution. What you learn here builds a sense of intellectual engagement that will empower you to make a difference in life and throughout your career. Founded in 1912, we welcome more than 21,000 students to campus every year. Diversity is one of our strengths. Students and faculty come from all over the world to be a part of the UofM experience.
About the University of Memphis
Our city has changed the world in more ways than one. We don't wait for things to happen, we jump in and get our hands dirty. The can-do, will-do spirit that powers Memphis drives the UofM. We're culturally diverse and complex. We push boundaries and discover new ways of thinking. Most of all, we're driven by hard work and getting results.
Located in a vibrant neighborhood in Memphis, Tennessee, the UofM is a major research institution. What you learn here builds a sense of intellectual engagement that will empower you to make a difference in life and throughout your career. Founded in 1912, we welcome more than 21,000 students to campus every year. Diversity is one of our strengths. Students and faculty come from all over the world to be a part of the UofM experience.
The University of Memphis will be recognized as one of America's great metropolitan research universities, noted for its comprehensive, innovative academic programs and for capitalizing on its urban setting and region to address the challenges of our global society.
The University of Memphis is a learner-centered metropolitan research university providing high-quality educational experiences while pursuing new knowledge through research, artistic expression, and interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship.
Highest Priorities
- Increase enrollment, retention and graduation rates for all students.
- Continue to incorporate innovation and technology into instruction to enhance student success across all domains.
- Increase research and scholarly/creative activity, along with external funding.
- Grow and advance entrepreneurial and commercialization activity.
- Employ appropriate support to enhance the academic experience for students through coaching, mentoring, tutoring and advising.
The University of Memphis, as an engaged learning community, celebrates:
The pursuit of excellence in teaching and research as the highest measures of successful achievement.
- Interdisciplinary collaboration, artistic expression, and research as vehicles for leveraging our resources, solving problems, and multiplying our accomplishments.
- The transfer and dissemination of knowledge with community stakeholders for the intellectual, economic, and social advancement of our community.
- Innovation and creativity in everything we do.
- Respect for diversity and individual worth.
- Integrity and transparency in all our actions.
- Responsible stewardship and conservation of resources.
- Stewardship of wisdom, knowledge, and information created by our predecessors.
- Leadership and involvement in the economic, social, and professional growth of Memphis, the state of Tennessee, and the nation.
Contact The UofM
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
- Memphis
3720 Alumni Ave, 38152, Memphis