Master of Engineering in Energy Systems Engineering
College Park, USA
2 Years
Full time, Part time
15 Dec 2024
01 Jan 2025
USD 45,000 / per course
Distance Learning, On-Campus
Drawing on the innovation and expertise of the University of Maryland Energy Research Center, the energy systems engineering masters program prepares professional engineers for the multi-disciplinary challenges of this rapidly growing field. Students can build on the core coursework through our defined elective sets in reliability engineering and energy systems or by mixing and matching technical electives.
Degree Requirements
Master of Engineering: 30 Credits or 10 Courses
Students pursuing this option must complete five of the core courses listed above and five technical electives. Foundation courses may be used as technical electives with approval from the academic advisor. There is no research or thesis required for this degree.
Graduate Certificate in Engineering: 12 Credits or 4 Courses
Students pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Engineering must complete all of the following courses:
- ENPM622, Energy Conversion I – Stationary Power
- ENPM624, Renewable Energy Applications
- ENPM654, Energy Systems Management
- ENPM656, Energy Conversion II - Mobility Applications
And one of the courses below:
- ENPM808I, Fundamentals of Electrochemical Power Sources Engineering
- ENPM808N, Solar Energy and Technologies
- ENPM626, Waste, and Biomass Energy Conversion
- ENPM627, Environmental Risk Analysis
ENME701 Sustainable Energy Conversion and the Environment (3 Credits) | Core
Energy & The Environment
(Credit will only be given for ENPM 624 or ENME 701, not both courses. Note: as ENME 701 was formerly offered as ENME706 and ENME808D, students that took the course under these numbers will receive credit.) Discussion of the major sources and end-uses of energy in our society with particular emphasis on renewable energy production and utilization. Introduces a range of innovative technologies and discusses them in the context of the current energy infrastructure. Renewable sources such as wind and solar are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the environmental impact of the various forms of energy.
Recommended Prerequisite: ENME633.
ENPM620 Computer Aided Engineering Analysis (3 Credits)
Computer-assisted approach to the solution of engineering problems. Review and extension of undergraduate material in applied mathematics including linear algebra, vector calculus, differential equations, and probability and statistics.
Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-CDL-Maryland Applied Graduate Engineering Education.
ENPM622 Energy Conversion I - Stationary Power (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Thermal engineering of modern power generation systems. Cycle analysis of various modern power generation technologies including gas turbine, combined cycle, waste burning, and cogeneration. Energy storage and energy transport.
Prerequisite: undergraduate thermodynamics and heat transfer.
ENPM624 Renewable Energy Applications (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
(Credit will only be given for ENPM 624 or ENME 701, not both courses.) Thermodynamics and heat transfer of renewable energy sources for heating, power generation, and transportation. Wind energy, solar thermal, photovoltaic, biomass, waste burning, and hydropower. A broad overview of the growing use of renewable energy sources in the world economy with a detailed analysis of specific applications.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer
ENPM627 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Covers fundamental aspects of environmental risk analysis and methods used to perform environmental risk analyses. Topics covered in the class include: establishing the scope of analysis, developing alternate conceptual models, representing source term release, modeling contaminant transport in environmental media (e.g., surface water, groundwater, air), modeling food chains, conducting an exposure assessment, understanding basic human toxicology, characterizing the dose-response relationship, and effectively communicating about and managing risk. This course covers fundamental aspects of designing a risk analysis as well as common pitfalls to avoid and major sources of uncertainty in environmental risk analyses.
ENPM635 Thermal Systems Design Analysis (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Evaluates the trade-offs associated with thermal systems. Use of software for system simulation, evaluation, and optimization. Applications include power and refrigeration systems, electronics cooling, distillation columns, dehumidifying coils, and co-generation systems.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
ENPM650 Solar Thermal Energy Systems (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Covers the full range of technologies that utilize solar radiation for heating, cooling, lighting, and electrical power generation, excluding photovoltaic applications. Topics include: Solar radiation calculations and predictions; Solar spectral characteristics, and diffuse and direct solar radiation; Passive solar applications; Heating; Daylighting; Thermal storage; Fenestration systems; Architectural design; Active solar applications for heating; Solar collectors; Water-based systems; ir-based systems; Domestic hot water heating; Space heating; Process heating; Cooling systems; Flat plate versus concentrating collectors; Fixed versus tracking collector systems; Solar thermal electrical power generation; Dish/Stirling engine systems; Linear concentrator systems; Power tower systems; Thermal storage; Combined cycle applications; Systems design and integration; Control systems and system operation; and Performance calculations and predictions.
ENPM651 Heat Transfer for Modern Application (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
The applications selected will vary widely: from the cooling of electronics to the prevention of fog and stalagmite formation in ice rinks. Multi-mode (i.e. simultaneous conduction, convection, radiation, mass transfer) problems will be emphasized. Lectures on basic principles, followed by assignments in which students formulate solutions and explain results.
ENPM654 Energy Systems Management (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Summer 2023 W 5:30 pm - 8:45 pm Brian Valentine
Covers a wide range of energy management and energy efficiency topics including energy auditing, energy-efficient lighting systems, and motors, demand limiting and control, control strategies for optimization, direct digital control, integrated building automation systems, communication networks, distributed generation, cogeneration, combined heat and power, process energy management and the associated economic analyses. Included will be the latest internet-based technologies for accessing real-time energy pricing and managing energy demand remotely for multiple buildings or campuses.
Background in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer is recommended.
ENPM654 Energy Systems Management (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Summer 2023 W 5:30 pm - 8:45 pm Brian Valentine
Covers a wide range of energy management and energy efficiency topics including energy auditing, energy-efficient lighting systems, and motors, demand limiting and control, control strategies for optimization, direct digital control, integrated building automation systems, communication networks, distributed generation, cogeneration, combined heat and power, process energy management and the associated economic analyses. Included will be the latest internet-based technologies for accessing real-time energy pricing and managing energy demand remotely for multiple buildings or campuses.
Background in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer is recommended.
ENPM656 Energy Conversion II -- Mobile Power (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Presents the scientific and engineering basis for the design, manufacture, and operation of thermal conversion technologies utilized for mobile power generation. The interface between fuel combustion chemistry and generated power is addressed. The practical aspects of the design and operation of various alternatives for power are compared. The impact of choices about power and fuel alternatives as well as air pollution potential are also considered.
Prerequisites: Must have completed undergraduate courses in thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics OR Must have completed ENPM672.
ENPM660 Wind Energy Engineering (3 Credits)
An examination of four central topics in wind energy engineering: the nature of wind energy as a resource for generating electricity; the aerodynamics of wind turbines by which the wind energy is converted into mechanical energy; the mechanics and dynamics of the wind energy system (tower, rotor, hub, drive train, and generator); and the electrical aspects of wind turbines. Additional topics to be included in the course include Wind turbine design; wind turbine control; wind turbine siting, system design, and integration; Wind energy system economics; and wind energy systems environmental impacts and aspects. The course is intended to pass along substantial subject matter knowledge and skills, it can only be treated as an introduction to this extensive, multidisciplinary topic. However, students are expected to emerge with a substantial knowledge of wind energy systems and the methods used to analyze such systems.
Formerly: ENPM808Q.
ENPM670 Advanced Energy Audit, Modeling, and Management of Building Systems (3 Credits)
Energy & The Environment
Provides students with fundamentals and applications of energy audit, modeling, and management in building energy systems. Energy audit procedures for electrical, lighting, mechanical, and HVAC systems will be covered and will include the economics/life-cycle costing analysis. Students will gain experience in conducting energy audits through real-world project(s). Building energy modeling tools, such as EnergyPlus and eQuest, will be introduced and implemented through assigned projects. The course coverage will also include contemporary topics such as energy management of mission-critical facilities such as data centers, integrated building automation and control systems for energy efficiency, and real-time energy management for individuals and networks of buildings.
Students are expected to have prior knowledge of advanced undergraduate basic thermodynamics, heat transfer, and thermal transport processes. Knowledge of electrical systems and controls is desirable.
ENPM672 Fundamentals for Thermal Systems (3 Credits)
Included in this course is an introduction to thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Emphasis is on gaining an understanding of the physical concepts through the solving of numerical problems associated with simple thermal fluid processes and cycles. Both ideal gases and multiphase fluids will be considered working fluids.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate engineering, physics, or chemistry degree.
ENPM808C Ocean Energy Harvesting (3 Credits)
The course presents ocean energy harvesting technologies: ocean thermal energy, wave energy, tidal energy, and wind energy. To establish the baseline, current power generation technologies are reviewed. First, ocean thermal energy conversion technology is studied in detail. To assist the design of ocean energy harvesting systems, fundamentals of heat transfer and fluid mechanics are summarized. Then wave, tidal, and wind energy harvesting systems are studied. For each subject, either literature reviews or representative system modeling will be conducted. For the modeling, Engineering Equations Solver software is utilized. By applying underlying principles, the OTEC system is designed and its economy is analyzed as a final design project.
ENPM808I Fundamentals of Electrochemical Power Sources Engineering (3 Credits)
ENPM808N Solar Energy and Technologies (3 Credits)
ENPM809M Fundamentals of Power Electronics for Energy Systems (3 Credits)
Energy and the Environment
This course is focused on PSIRE issues and, as a result, it is not intended to be a comprehensive reference for other related subjects such as RE. Due to the global nature of PSIRE development, we would make a great effort to represent a broad range of international perspectives. This course is organized into three sections based on the most relevant subjects on PSIRE: Vision and Drivers, Transmission, and Distribution,
ENPM809Z Sustainability and Innovation (3 Credits)
This course will explore global mega-trends and sustainable development opportunities in multiple sectors - energy, mobility, buildings, materials, water, security, and food/agriculture. The course will also cover solution pathways to sustainability challenges with a focus on technology, policy, and business model enablers. Students will be made aware of the global sustainability challenges and the current state of innovations in multiple sectors. They will explore and identify new solutions to sustainability challenges. Students will also learn how to create businesses based on sustainable development opportunities.
ENRE447 Fundamentals of Reliability Engineering (3 Credits)
Topics covered include a fundamental understanding of how things fail, probabilistic models to represent failure phenomena, life models for non-repairable items, reliability data collection and analysis, software reliability models, and human reliability models.
Credit is only granted for ENRE445 or ENRE447. Formerly: ENRE445.
ENRE600 Fundamentals of Failure Mechanisms (3 Credits)
Advanced failure mechanisms in reliability engineering will be taught from a basic materials and defects point of view. The methods of predicting the physics of failure of devices, materials, components, and systems are reviewed. The main emphasis will be given to basic degradation mechanisms through understanding the physics, chemistry, and mechanics of such mechanisms. Mechanical failures are introduced through understanding fatigue, creep, and yielding in materials, devices, and components. The principles of cumulative damage and yielding mechanical theory are taught. The concepts of reliability growth accelerated life testing, and environmental testing are introduced. Physical, chemical, and thermal-related failures are introduced through a basic understanding of degradation mechanisms such as diffusion, electromigration, defects, and defect migration. The failure mechanisms in basic material types will be taught. Failure mechanisms observed in real electronic devices and electronic packaging will also be presented. Problems related to manufacturing and microelectronics will be analyzed. Mechanical failures are emphasized from the point of view of complex fatigue theory.
Credit is only granted for ENMA698M, ENNU648M, or ENRE600.
ENRE602 Reliability Analysis (3 Credits)
Principal methods of reliability analysis, including fault tree and reliability block diagrams; Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA); event tree construction and evaluation; reliability data collection and analysis; methods of modeling systems for reliability analysis. Focus on problems related to process industries, fossil-fueled power plant availability, and other systems of concern to engineers.
ENRE620 Mathematical Techniques of Reliability Engineering (3 Credits)
Basic probability and statistics. Application of selected mathematical techniques to the analysis and solution of reliability engineering problems. Applications of matrices, vectors, tensors, differential equations, integral transforms, and probability methods to a wide range of reliability-related problems.
Also offered as ENNU620.
ENRE670 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (3 Credits)
Why study risk, sources of risk, an overview of Risk Assessment and Risk Management, relation to System Safety and Reliability Engineering; measures, representation, communication, and perception of risk; overview of the use of risk assessment results in decision making; overview of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) process; detailed converge of PRA methods including (1) methods for risk scenario development such as identification of initiators, event sequence diagrams, event trees, causal modeling (fault trees, influence diagrams, and hybrid methods), and simulation approaches; (2) methods of risk scenario likelihood assessment, including quantitative and qualitative approaches, as well as uncertainty modeling and analysis. Also covers methods for risk modeling of system hardware behavior, physical phenomena, human behavior, software behavior, organizational environment, and external physical environment. Additional core topics include risk model integration and quantification (Boolean-based, binary decision diagram, Bayesian belief networks, and hybrid methods), simulation-based Dynamic PRA methods (discrete and continuous), and several examples of large-scale PRAs for space missions, nuclear power, aviation, and medical systems.
Prerequisite: ENRE602. Also offered as ENNU651. Credit is only granted for ENNU651 or ENRE670.
ENRE671 Risk Assessment in Engineering (3 Credits)
General Mechanical
In the course of engineering design, project management, and other functions, engineers have to make decisions, almost always under time and budget constraints. Managing risk requires making decisions in the presence of uncertainty. This course will cover material on individual decision-making, group decision-making, and organizations of decision-makers. The course will present techniques for making better decisions, understanding how decisions are related to each other, and managing risk.
Prerequisite: ENRE670. Credit is only granted for ENRE648W or ENRE671. Formerly: ENRE648W.
ENSE621 Systems Engineering Concepts and Processes: A Model-Based Approach (3 Credits)
An INCOSE-oriented introduction to model-based systems engineering. Provides an overview of systems engineering concepts, processes, and methods, with a particular focus on the development of stakeholder and system requirements; characteristics of well-written requirements; the use of SysML software tools to develop a system- and element-level architectures; and the relationship between requirements and architecture. Architecture-related topics include specification and visualization of system attributes, behavior, and interfaces. Other topics include acquisition and development life cycle models; operational concepts and use cases; requirements and design traceability; analysis, modeling, and simulation; systems engineering management; risk management; configuration management; systems-of-systems; and system complexity. The course includes a class project in which teams of 3-5 students use SysML to develop stakeholder requirements, system requirements, and logical system architecture for an engineered system of interest to them and then perform a design trade-off analysis for some aspect of the system.
ENSE622 System Trade-off Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (3 Credits)
This course continues the model-based approach to systems engineering by introducing students to a variety of mathematical modeling and simulation techniques used to perform system performance, optimization, and trade-off analyses. Topics include linear and integer programming; state machine models of finite state machines; development of simple intelligent agents; modeling Markov processes; queueing theory; multi-objective trade-off analyses; decision trees; stochastic (Monte Carlo) simulation, linear regression, some predictive analytic techniques; and an introduction to control theory. Mathematical models and simulations are developed and executed using MATLAB. The course includes a class project in which students solve a problem of interest to them using one or more of the techniques addressed in class.
Online Programs
#6 Online Graduate Engineering Programs - U.S. News and World Report Best Online Graduate Engineering Programs
U.S. Graduate Programs
#19 Graduate Engineering - U.S. News and World Report 2023 Best Engineering Graduate Programs
- #15 Aerospace Engineering
- #16 Electrical Engineering; #15 Computer Engineering
- #17 Mechanical Engineering
Entrepreneurship Rankings
- #7 Undergraduate Program
- #18 Graduate Program
Princeton Review's Top 50 Schools For Entrepreneurship Programs"
Program Tuition Fee
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