- Over 12.000 students
- 7 departments
- 400 faculty members
- 320 technical and administrative staff
- 22 First Cycle Degrees
- 3 Long Single Cycle Degrees
- 14 Second Cycle Degrees (8 Double Degrees)
- 8 Ph.D. Programs
- 20 Graduate Schools of Medicine
- 4 Libraries
- 2 University Residences
- 2 Sports Arena
- 65 Excellence and merit scholarships, in addition to those funded by Lombardy Region and the University
- More than 150 Exchange Agreements
- More than 150 Scholarships for Exchange Programs
University of Insubria
The three seats of the University of Insubria, Varese, Como and Busto Arsizio, are located in the Lombardy region, in the northern part of Italy. We are a young and dynamic university, founded in 1998, that offers interdisciplinary education, quality services and facilities and focuses on cutting-edge research to develop innovative solutions and technologies. We deeply care about our students and their dreams.
The three seats of the University of Insubria, Varese, Como, and Busto Arsizio, are located in the Lombardy region, in the northern part of Italy. We are a young and dynamic university, founded in 1998, that offers interdisciplinary education, quality services, and facilities and focuses on cutting-edge research to develop innovative solutions and technologies. We deeply care about our students and their dreams. We aim to broaden their horizons while helping them develop skills for the national and international job market.
Our Values
- Freedom: we are a laic and pluralist University free of ideological, political, and economic conditioning. We sustain scientific research freedom, we engage in the development of critical thinking and we believe in culture as having an essential role in the society's progress.
- Respect: we recognize the value of diversity and we offer the same opportunities to everybody without discrimination caused by race, gender, opinion, language, or religion. We consider students' success our main goal; we help them gain high-level knowledge, skills, and competencies and enter the job market.
- Excellence: we rely on the excellence of our teachers and our staff to offer our students high-quality education and facilities, to obtain brilliant results in research both on the national and international stage. We promote the development of high-level collaborations and the inter-disciplinarity of research projects.
- Motivation and merit: we reward our students for their commitment and for their capability in building the future. We promote the permanent education of our staff to constantly improve the quality of our University.
Our Vision
Developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes today for the job of tomorrow
Our Mission
High-quality education and high-quality facilities in a student-friendly environment, combined with high-level research performed by international groups to develop innovative technology and solutions
Our Goals
- High-quality education to develop key competencies for entering the national and international job market
- Top-level research in national and international groups and in inter-disciplinary fields
- Third mission activities to facilitate our engagement with society, industry, schools
Scholarships and Funding
This opportunity is available to particularly deserving students enrolled in the first year of Bachelor and Master Programs.
These scholarships are granted upon participation in a specific competition. Two specific calls are published every year, one for students enrolled in the first year of Bachelor and single cycle Master programs and one for students enrolled in the first year of Master programs.
For all details concerning the amounts, the requirements, and the application procedures, please consult the Competition Notice.
Selections are normally open between July and September every year for Bachelor students and between January and March every year for Master students.