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University of Holguin


The University of Holguín meets the needs of integral and continuous training of professionals in the exact, economic, technical, pedagogical, agricultural, legal, physical culture and sport, social and humanistic sciences, provides relevant scientific-technical results and the extension of its actions towards the local, national and international community with high economic and social impact and economic rationality.

The University of Holguín meets the needs of integral and continuous training of professionals in the exact, economic, technical, pedagogical, agricultural, legal, physical culture and sport, social and humanistic sciences, provides relevant scientific-technical results and the extension of its actions towards the local, national and international community with high economic and social impact and economic rationality.

For this, it has a competent faculty, and of recognized prestige, in which the experience is combined with the creativity of the young generation, who together with workers and students, with a management system aimed at quality and the integration of their processes, They assume their commitment to the Cuban socialist project.

  • Holguin

    Avenida XX Aniversario, , Holguin

    University of Holguin