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University of Helsinki Master in Atmospheric Sciences
University of Helsinki

Master in Atmospheric Sciences

Helsinki, Finland

2 Years

English, Finnish, Swedish

Full time

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EUR 18,000 / per year *


* for non-EU/EEA countries


How is the climate changing?

Society urgently needs experts with a multidisciplinary education in Atmospheric and Earth System sciences. Climate change, urban air quality and extreme weather are matters of global concern which science cannot yet completely explain. Thus, more scientific research needs to be made. Environmental specialists are also needed in companies ranging from clean technology to energy and insurance, as well as among policymakers and governments.

The six study lines are as follows: aerosol physics, geophysics of the hydrosphere, meteorology, biosphere-atmosphere cycles, remote sensing and atmospheric chemistry and analysis.

The Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-MP) educates all meteorologists in Finland for weather forecasting, meteorological research and aviation safety. We also educate hydrospheric geophysicists to work in the fields of cryology, hydrology and oceanography, and chemists and aerosol physicists to work in companies.


There is a global need for experts with a multidisciplinary education in atmospheric and environmental issues. In the Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-MP), you can study aer­o­sol phys­ics, geo­phys­ics of the hy­dro­sphere, met­eor­o­logy, biosphere-atmosphere cycles, re­mote sens­ing or at­mo­spheric chemistry and analysis.

You learn to work with environmental issues and deal with matters like air pollution, climate change, deforestation, extreme weather and water resources. The ATM-MP also educates all meteorologists in Finland for weather forecasting, meteorological research and aviation safety. In addition, we educate hydrospheric geophysicists to work in the fields of cryology, hydrology and oceanography, and chemists and aerosol physicists to work in companies.

The ATM-MP is offered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Helsinki.

Students and Student Life

Student life and especially the student organisation culture is exceptionally rich and diverse in Finland. Also at the University of Helsinki, the student community is very active.

More than 250 student organisations operate within the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY), ranging from faculty and subject organisations to political and societal organisations, and from choirs and orchestras to sports and game clubs. Their activities include anniversary celebrations, academic dinner parties, cultural events, get-togethers and excursions.

As a student and member of the Student Union (HYY), you are entitled to many benefits and services. For example, affordable student housing, basic healthcare services, sports facilities and student-priced meals. You also get numerous discounts, for example on public transport fees across the country.

Read more on the institution's website



Program Outcome

Scholarships and Funding

Career Opportunities

Program Tuition Fee

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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