MSc in International Business and Management
1 Years
Full time
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EUR 20,800 / per year *
* for Non-EU|for EU/EEA EUR 2,530
How can companies operate in multiple countries at the same time and cope with different cultural, political, and economic circumstances? International business managers need know-how.
The MSc IB&M is a broad program with a rich set of electives to choose from. You can also opt for one of our double degrees, with the University of Newcastle or with Fudan University in Shanghai.
In the program, you will learn to approach issues in global management with an open mind and how to deal with them systematically and creatively. Your analytical and professional set of skills will be expanded to include the latest theories and tools in developing strategies for managing multinational enterprises and for firms to operate across borders.
Specific attention is paid to comparative analyses of countries, institutions, cultures and, of course, companies and their strategies. You will be trained to apply this knowledge to the development of company strategies, instruments, and processes. You will also learn to analyze the purchasing and sales markets in different countries, understand various institutional environments and develop policy proposals. The program further offers the opportunity to focus on either the Energy Focus area or the Sustainable Society Focus Area area. At the end of your studies, you will receive an MSc in International Business & Management from the University of Groningen, one of Europe’s top-tier business schools.
Why study this program in Groningen?
International Business and Management (IB&M) offers an academic and analytical approach to solving real-world problems in international management. It provides a multidisciplinary perspective on multinational business activity and managing across borders. Most importantly, it's an internationally accredited program, ensuring a high-quality education that meets both the AACSB and EQUIS standards, which only one percent of universities reach worldwide.
You will study in a vibrant university city together with students from all around the world. You will get accustomed to working in an international environment. For example, in the course Managing Cultural Differences, you will learn to work in a real-world virtual, multinational team. This unique experiential exercise requires you to work with students from overseas universities over several weeks to solve a real-world strategic issue faced by a company and give them advice. This is a good example of how the MSc IB&M combines theory and application and helps you to learn about and improve your cross-cultural competencies.
The content of the program is continuously being evaluated and improved in consultation with students, lecturers, and the business community, for instance through the Advisory Board. Directors and managers from Akzo Nobel, Heineken, ASM, VimpelCom, and Charity Fund Rijsholt are represented in the Advisory Board.
Linking education to research and career preparation.
Our education is strongly rooted in business practice and society. Also right from the start of your degree program attention is paid to academic research skills and preprofessional development, since analytical and problem-solving capabilities are important qualities in any career our students aspire.
This master's program is linked to the research department of Global Economics and Management. Members of this department perform research on topics like internationalization and the international organization of firms, corporate governance systems, corporate social responsibility, and institutional and cultural contexts, using a comparative design or an international perspective.
Please visit the website of the research institute Global Economics and Management to learn more about the research conducted within the MSc program.
Year 1
You will take two compulsory courses and add electives that match your interest. All courses are linked to the current research activities of the lecturers and use recent scientific articles relevant to the field. In most courses, you will practice professional and research skills through, for example, research reports and presentations.
The Research Seminar will effectively prepare you for writing your Master's thesis where you also acquire the specific research skills that are crucial to management's ability to analyze new environments and relevant developments.
- Comparative Environmental Analysis (5 EC)
- Elective(s) MSc IB&M A (15 EC)
- Elective(s) MSc IB&M B (10 EC)
- International Business Strategy (MSc) (5 EC)
- Managing Cultural Differences (5 EC)
- Master's Thesis IB&M (20 EC)
- Research Seminar for IB&M (5 EC)
Program options
- DDM Advanced International Business Management and Marketing (specialization)
- DDM China and the World Economy (specialization)
- Sustainable Society Focus Area (specialization)
- Energy Focus Area (specialization)
- Master Internship (specialization)
Study abroad
- Study abroad is unaccommodated
Study abroad is compulsory when you choose one of the Double Degree Masters.
Career Opportunities
Job prospects
After graduation, you can work in inter-, multi-, or transnational companies. You can start in various kinds of management jobs, such as product manager, human resource manager, export manager, and international sales manager. You might want to work as an international marketer or management development officer.
Because all our programs are EQUIS and AACSB accredited, a standard which only one percent of universities reach worldwide, your degree will be highly valued in the labor market.
FEB Career Services
To support you in developing your career and strengthen your employability skills, our FEB Career Services empowers you to achieve lifelong success through various career services during your studies. In order to give you a better idea of your prospects after graduating, we have gathered some facts and figures from our alumni.
Job examples
- Business Consultant
- Business Development Specialist
- International Product Manager
- International Trainee
Program Admission Requirements
Demonstrate your commitment and readiness to succeed in business school by taking the GMAT exam – the most widely used exam for admissions that measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Download the GMAT mini quiz to get a flavour of the questions you’ll find in the exam.