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University of Economics and Human Sciences


The University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw is a University of new opportunities. Our modern campus, located in the heart of Warsaw, offers students a space where they can develop their creativity, build their careers, and participate in diverse projects.

The University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw – a new dimension of education

One of Poland’s top private Universities, for almost 25 years, we have been offering our students courses in Human Sciences, Social Studies, Business, Medical&Health Sciences, Fine Arts, Humanities and Computer Technologies. What distinguishes us is our openness towards students and their initiatives, involvement in their development, and a modern approach to education.

Here is more info about the UEHS in Warsaw:

  • The UEHS is a recipient of the prestigious international CEEMAN IQA Accreditation.
  • The UEHS collaborates with numerous prestigious and renowned academic institutions and research centers located in different countries. The UEHS offers student exchange programme, Erasmus+ programme, double degree programme, credit transfer programme, summer schools, etc.
  • The UEHS in included in Poland's local rankings as well as in QS World Rankings, THE Impact Rankings and Positive Impact Rating.
Read more on the institution's website

  • Around a half of the students are international
  • More than 120 nationalities
  • 5 Support Languages
  • Studies in Polish or English
  • More than 150 Partner Universities
  • 2 International Organizations

The UEHS actively cooperates with numerous foreign universities. We offer double degree programs, student exchange, summer schools, holiday courses, and in-service training for foreign partners. International cooperation is an essential aspect of UEHS academic endeavors.

The UEHS is involved in numerous research projects within structured research programs and networks as well as through informal contacts between researchers.

    A place of dreams made from dreams. It all started with dreams. The pivotal idea which accompanied the creators of the project in their work was to create an educational and business space that, meeting all the requirements of the modern world, would enable users of the campus to provide their educational and business services at the highest possible level.

    The educational facility Vizja Park is a place deserving of the highest praise. Modern as well as safe, it ensures comfortable development at all levels of education.

    Vizja Park is currently the main location of the University of Economics and Human Sciences and of Towarzystwo Edukacyjne Vizja.

    • 50 Modern Classrooms
    • 463 Seats in the Main Auditorium
    • 30018 Surface Area
    • 162 Parking Spots

    Ever since it was established, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw has taken great care when choosing teachers and professors to work with, opting for the most accomplished instructors and scholars, hailing from Poland and other countries.

    The campus boasts 118 classrooms, a main auditorium with a foyer which can hold up to 463 persons, as well as four auditoriums with 223 and 296 seats. There are also eight computer rooms in the building, equipped with modern devices and different types of software, which enable us to teach classes in such areas as statistical calculation, computer graphics, databases, programming of mobile devices, and creating applications in all languages currently in use.

    Vizja Park is a place which fosters physical fitness – it boasts a full-sized sports hall, which can be divided into 3 sections. It holds a climbing wall offering 3 grades of difficulty, as well as a gymnasium and a ballet studio. The building also boasts various special purpose rooms: a mock courtroom, a public speaking and press conference room, a mock stock exchange room, a Natural Sciences lab, a science lab with a fume hood, an EEG room, a physical therapy room, and a sensory integration lab.

    The Vizja Park campus is a place which is friendly to people with allergies, but also friendly to our planet. On every floor, recycling bins can be found, as well as a drinking fountain – all you need is a bottle or a cup and you can eliminate plastic from your life. The building is equipped with energy efficiency systems – the hall and toilet lighting uses motion sensors. Similarly, in the toilets, sensors are built into the taps, which makes conserving water easy.

    Finding an apartment is a key issue for full-time students. The university has properties that are being rented to students under specified conditions. Our offer includes rooms of equal standard. Prices depend on the number of people occupying a room. All apartments are located close to the university. Your room must be booked through email along with a one-month paid deposit for the room.

      The University in rankings

      Ever since it was established, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw has taken great care when choosing teachers and professors to work with, opting for the most accomplished instructors and scholars hailing from Poland and other countries.

      Thanks to this, our University has been able to constantly improve its ranking among other colleges. We are also highly praised by our students and candidates, who are attracted to the University by the opportunity to study under a very accomplished teaching staff.

      THE Impact Ranking

      Impact Rankings, prepared by the Times Higher Education, is the only international ranking of universities against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of the ranking is to promote universities that are tackling today’s key challenges and making the greatest contribution to building a sustainable society..

      Our University is proud to have been included in this year’s ranking in four areas:

      • Good health and well-being,
      • Decent work and economic growth,
      • Reducing inequalities,
      • Partnerships for the goals.

      Webometrics Ranking

      The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research institution in Spain. Using quantitative methods, the Cybermetrics Lab has designed and applied indicators that allow us to measure scientific activity on the web. The cybermetric indicators are useful for evaluating science and technology, and they are the perfect complement to the result obtained with bibliometric methods in the scientometric study. At present, our University ranks 4th among all private universities in Poland, 55th among all the universities in Poland, 1068th in Europe and 3363th in the whole world.

      Positive Impact Rating – PIR

      The Positive Impact Rating (PIR), initiated by a group of business school experts, is a Swiss association that regulates evaluations. The aim of PIR is to capture the voice of students in order to identify the positive impact of schools, to move from competition to cooperation and to prove tools to implement change.

      As of now, our University is a level 3 progressing school.

      QS World Universities Rankings

      The QS World University Rankings have been published since 2004. From 2004 to 2009, the list was called THES-QS World University Rankings and represented the 200 best higher education institutions in the world.

      In the published rankings, our University achieved the following positions:

      • 479th place in the overall European ranking,
      • 64th place among all universities in Eastern Europe.

      In the overall European ranking we are in the range of 551-600.

      The ranking too into account the following factors:

      • faculty reputation;
      • reputation as an employer;
      • internationalisation of the university, including the number of international faculties and students, as well as academic exchange programmes conducted;
      • student-faculty ratio;
      • academic publications.

      1st place

      The Best-Educated Academic Staff In Poland (Perspektywy 2018)

      2nd place

      In The Programme Of Study: Finance And Accounting In The Ranking Of Private Colleges

      3rd place

      Among Private Universities In The International Ranking Webometrics

      4th PLACE

      In The Programme Of Study: Law In The Ranking Of Private Colleges

      • Warsaw

        Okopowa 59, 01-043, Warsaw

      University of Economics and Human Sciences