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University of Eastern Finland


The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. Our high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. Our research is ranked among the best in the world in several fields.

Welcome to the University of Eastern Finland!

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. Our high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. Our research is ranked among the best in the world in several fields. We offer education in nearly 100 major subjects and we train experts for tomorrow’s changing labour market needs.

Our profile areas in research and education are:

-Ageing, lifestyles and health

-Environmental change and sustainable use of natural resources

-Cultural encounters, mobilities and borders

-Diversifying learning and interaction

We are a sought-after place to study, thanks to our teaching based on the latest research and our diverse academic offering, as well as our flexible study opportunities and our selection of minor subjects freely available to students. We are a pioneer of continuous learning.

Students, high-level learning processes and student well-being stand at the core of our activities. We offer our students inspiring, open and continuously evolving learning environments: comfortable facility solutions and modern digital environments support learning.

At UEF, we also have extensive international relations and are involved in several international networks as our teaching and research staff, and students participate in various programs. In addition, we have concluded bilateral agreements of cooperation with approximately 100 international universities.

Our campuses are located in the cities of Joensuu and Kuopio. We are home to approximately 15,500 degree students and 2,700 members of staff.

  • Joensuu

    Yliopistokatu 2 P.O.Box 111

    • Kuopio


      University of Eastern Finland