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University of Cyprus


The University of Cyprus aims to establish itself as a Pioneer Research Institution achieving International Scientific Recognition in European Higher Education, offering Competitive Programmes and become a Centre of Excellence in the wider Euro - Mediterranean Region.

Vision and Mission

The University of Cyprus aims to establish itself as a Pioneer Research Institution achieving International Scientific Recognition in European Higher Education, offering Competitive Programmes and become a Center of Excellence in the wider Euro - Mediterranean Region.

The main objectives of the University are twofold: the promotion of scholarship and education through teaching and research, and the enhancement of the cultural, social, and economic development of Cyprus.

In this context, the University believes that education must provide more than simply accumulation of knowledge. It must also encourage students' active participation in the process of learning and acquisition of those values necessary for responsible involvement in the community. The University sets high standards for all branches of scholarship.

Research is promoted and funded in all departments for its contribution to scholarship in general and for its local and international applications.

General Information

The University of Cyprus is a public corporate body. It is governed by the University Council, comprising both government-appointed and university elected members, and the Senate where members are senior academic staff. The Faculties and Departments are administered by internal Boards; each Faculty is headed by an elected Dean, and each Department is headed by an elected Chairperson. The Rector's Council has executive competencies concerning daily or current matters.

UCY Governing Bodies

The Council is responsible for the management and supervision of the administrative and financial affairs of the University and its property. The Council prepares the annual budget of the University for the financial year commencing on the first of January and ending on the 31st of December in each year and ratifies or promotions of the academic and administrative staff of the University.

The Senate is the highest academic body of the University and is responsible for the academic affairs of the University, both teaching, and research.

The Rector's Council has executive competencies concerning daily or current matters, granted by the Senate upon recommendation of the Rector, or the Council upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Council.

Read more on the institution's website

Postgraduate Study Scholarships for International Students at the University of Cyprus

Since its establishment in 1989, the University of Cyprus (UCY) has earned a strong reputation domestically, regionally, and internationally, and it has earned a prominent place in World University Rankings. Its focus on academic excellence, as well as research and teaching, is widely recognized. UCY, in line with its internationalization strategy and commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, offers a number of scholarships to qualified international candidates in the following interesting and specialized postgraduate programs:

  1. Master in Business Economics (total tuition fee: 10.000 euros)
  2. Master in Economic Analysis (total tuition fee: 5.125 euros) or PhD in Economics (total tuition fee: 4.000 euros for Master’s holders)
  3. Master in Artificial Intelligence (total tuition fee: 5.125 euros)
  4. Master in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (total tuition fee: 5.125 euros)

The scholarships will be awarded in the form of a deduction from the total amount of tuition fees of the selected postgraduate program. Candidates must meet the academic criteria and adhere to the admission requirements of the specific study program.

UCY is currently accepting online applications for admission in September 2024. The deadline for applications for the above-mentioned postgraduate programs is 14th June 2024, except for the Master in Artificial Intelligence, which has a deadline of 31st May 2024.

  • Aglantzia

    University House "Anastasios G. Leventis" 1 Panepistimiou Avenue

    University of Cyprus