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University of Bordeaux


The University of Bordeaux, heir to a history of nearly six centuries, is a multidisciplinary university with deep regional roots that reach out to the European and international levels. It is now striving to rise to the challenge of environmental and societal transitions and improve the well-being of its entire community.

The University of Bordeaux, heir to a history of nearly six centuries, is a multidisciplinary university with deep regional roots that reach out to the European and international levels. It is now striving to rise to the challenge of environmental and societal transitions and improve the well-being of its entire community.

Missions and values

By its very nature, the university is open to the world and the place for learning, innovation, and the transmission of knowledge.

By linking research and education together, the University of Bordeaux is preparing the citizens of tomorrow and helping them become successful in both their personal and professional lives. Thanks to the lifelong learning opportunities it provides, the university continually enriches employees' skills and transforms companies and communities.

Recognised for its capacity for innovation and awarded the "Initiative of Excellence" label, the University of Bordeaux regularly contributes to major scientific advances with its academic and socioeconomic partners in France and abroad. It ensures their transmission and facilitates their transfer to society, in line with its commitment to environmental and societal transitions.

The university has participated in building the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Research Area (ERA), while developing actions of international cooperation.

Throughout, the University of Bordeaux has remained loyal to the intellectual and cultural values as well as the open-mindedness and freedom of thought inherited from the great figures of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

A multidisciplinary university

The wide range of fields available at the University of Bordeaux is a guarantee of interdisciplinarity.

The university's educational components cover practically all fields of knowledge. They are grouped into 4 colleges:

  • Law, Political Science, Economics and Management
  • Health Sciences
  • Human Sciences
  • Science and Technology

This interdisciplinarity is also illustrated by its 8 doctoral schools, also grouped into a Graduate Research School, and its 11 research departments, bringing together 90 laboratories, institutes, and technical platforms in nearly 50 fields.

Last but not least, the University of Bordeaux is home to 3 institutes dealing with more specific fields of study:

  • University of Bordeaux Institute of Technology (IUT)
  • Institute of Vine & Wine Science (ISVV)
  • Institute of Education (INSPE)

Key Figures

  • 52,000 students
  • 6,100 staff members including nearly 3,260 lecturer-researchers and researchers
  • 90 research facilities including 65 in co-supervision with research organizations
  • 50 fields of research and education
  • 27,000 scientific publications from 2015 to 2020, including 18% in the top 10% of the world's most cited publications
  • 130 joint European research projects within Horizon Europe and other programmes
  • 3rd French university at a national level
  • 570 million-euro budget in 2022
  • 18 campus sites in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • 187 hectares of campus grounds including 140 hectares of green spaces

Discover the campus

Wherever you study, in the Bordeaux metropolitan area or in one of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine locations, all campus sites greet you in the best possible conditions, but that’s not all! There are great sports facilities, artistic and cultural activities, and historical heritage, and the ocean is less than an hour's drive away.

Welcome to a region that fosters a balanced lifestyle.

The Student Life Centres (BVE) are essential for welcoming and informing students and directing them to the university services available (financial aid and grants, health, social, culture, sports, etc.) on each campus.

A special welcome is also reserved for international students.

The BVEs support student associations in their activities and projects and contribute to developing social responsibility at the university.

They also act as an interface for project funding applications to the FSDIE (Fund for Solidarity and Development of Student Initiatives).

Lastly, they run campus activities and coordinate fun and festive events with the other university life services and student associations.

Campus Life Councils

Campus Life Councils work to improve living conditions on the university's various campuses.

The councils are made up of elected student representatives and university staff. External stakeholders also sit on the councils.

Their scope of action includes sports, culture, disability, libraries, health/social affairs, the pace of life, food services, and transport.

  • To get involved in your campus council, contact your Student Life Centre (BVE).

Transition Council

The Transition Council supports the implementation of the university's policy in the field of sustainable development and social responsibility.

Its unique composition is inspired by the Citizens Convention for Climate:

  • parity between men and women, and between students and university staff
  • 30 members, including 10 permanent experts (+ 10 substitutes) and 20 members of the community selected at random.

The council supports its action via:

  • a network of staff members to contact within the University departments
  • student ambassadors for transitions on the campuses.

    Scholarship students enrolled in higher education are exempt from:

    • tuition and library fees collected by the university,
    • the CVEC fee collected by the CROUS.

    If you are a scholarship student, you are not required to make any payments to register.

    However, you must log on to the MesServices website to obtain the CVEC certificate, free of charge, which will be requested when you register online.

    • Bordeaux

      146 rue Léo Saignat, 33 076, Bordeaux

    • Pessac

      16 avenue Léon Duguit, 33 608, Pessac

      • Talence

        351 cours de la Libération, 33 405, Talence

        University of Bordeaux