Master of Linguistic
Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Years
Full time
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IDR 8,500,000 / per semester *
Distance Learning, On-Campus
* Indonesian Applicants Education Fee; Admission Fee: 8000000 IDR. International Applicants Education Fee: 22500000 IDR; Admission Fee: 25000000 IDR
Welcoming Remarks by the Head of Master’s Program in Linguistics
The Master’s Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities can be classified as a new program based on the Decree of Program Establishment No. 12611/UN3/ KR/2013 on 12 September 2013. Nevertheless, the program was accredited by the National Accreditation Board of Indonesia No. 1128/SK/BAN-PT/ Akred/M/VII/2016 on 14 July 2016. In accordance with the vision, the Master’s Program in Linguistics will continuously improve the learning-teaching process to produce competent intellectual graduates, personal and professional integrity that is harmonious with the development of science and technology, and to compete internationally.
The curriculum of the Master’s Program in Linguistics gives emphasis to culture in the studies, such as lexicography, translation, teaching, and interdisciplinary linguistics. The interdisciplinary linguistics study classified in macro linguistics is the traits of the Master’s Program in Linguistics in the Cultural Linguistic studies, such as Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Cross-Cultural Pragmatics, Critical Discourse Study, and Applied Linguistics.
One of the courses closely related to the studies is Corpus Linguistics. Corpus Linguistics can be used as one of the tools to analyze linguistic phenomena that become an excellent course in the Master’s Program in Linguistics. With the various courses offered in the program, the students have the opportunity to choose courses of interest.
The lecturers of the Master’s Program in Linguistics are competent graduates from various disciplines in the fields of lexicography, language teaching, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and translation. Some of them are international researchers and have established cooperative work with agencies and academic institutions abroad. In accordance with the university's international program, the Master’s Program in Linguistics has admitted foreign students and explored the possibilities to cooperate with the universities in Australia and the Philippines. Domestic cooperation between the Master’s Program in Linguistics with East Java Language Center, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Language Agency/Board has been performed as well. As part of graduate quality improvement and program development, the Master’s Program in Linguistics has brought in domestic and international guest lecturers as well.
In its development, the Master’s Program in Linguistics has obtained an enthusiastic response from the public. It is seen from the increasing numbers of applicants from and outside East Java who want to study further in this program. From year to year, the number of applicants is increasing and the competitive level in admitting new students is quite high. This is due to the curriculum model offered, the competence and reputation of the teaching staff, and the favorable learning atmosphere. Hopefully, the Master’s Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga continues its onward march and develops as a definitely well-known program internationally.
Dr. Dra. Ni Wayan Sartini, M.Hum.
To become an independent, innovative, and outstanding program nationally and internationally.
The missions of the Master’s Program in Linguistics are:
- Administering first-rate academic education in linguistics nationally and internationally;
- Administering innovative basic and applied research in linguistics;
- Dedicating the linguistic expertise to the society;
- Attempting independence in performing the Three Pillars of Higher Education related to linguistics.
In realizing its vision, missions, and objectives, the Master’s Program in Linguistics conducts several strategies as the following:
- Performing the lecturing process with student-centered learning, where the lecturer is not the only one who gives the materials but sometimes students also give the materials in the form of presentation.
- Conducting guest lectures (including overseas lecturers who are visiting Surabaya) to broaden the students' and lecturers’ comprehension of various linguistic fields.
- Conducting research co-operations with lecturers from other universities in Indonesia and overseas.
- Providing funds for students and lecturers who succeed as presenters in the national and international conferences.
- Providing grants for lecturers who have publications in accredited national journals and reputable international journals.
- Implementing the Strategic Plan of the Master’s Program in Linguistics derived from the Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Humanities.
Operational and program policy planning is determined at the beginning of the year or beginning of the semester through the Program meeting and established based on the results of annual self-evaluation, by taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the internal factors, opportunities, and threats of the external factors. Program mapping is performed in accordance with the strategic plan, vision, mission, and objectives that are integrated in order to achieve high efficiency and productivity.
The result of the next program meeting is used as the basis for the program’s operating activity planning. Therefore, the planning of the program on the respective work unit refers to the vision, mission, objectives and policy outcomes of the program meeting.
- Creating and developing a more complete, focused, and comprehensive Strategic Plan for the 2012 – 2016 program.
- Strengthening the communication network, coordination, and cooperation with the alumni, the stakeholder, both the Master’s program and cognate science programs nationally and internationally.
- Improving internal efficiency in terms of managing an efficient organization and systematic and well-ordered documentation, and in terms of an efficient learning process and academic atmosphere.
- Improving external efficiency in terms of increasing human resource capacity for competitiveness and procurement of funds independently.
In the 1st until the 3rd semester, students are required to take 4 courses, while in the 4th semester the students take only one course, namely Thesis.
In the 1st semester, all the students are to take Contemporary Linguistic Theory, Language Philosophy, and Corpus Linguistics. In addition, they are required to choose one of the three courses based on the background of their bachelor’s study: English Linguistics, Indonesian Linguistics, and Japanese Linguistics. The students with a Bachelor of Arts in Language besides those three languages are requested to choose one of the three courses.
Program Outcome
Graduate Profile
The graduate profile of the Master’s Program in Linguistics is a) researcher dan b) decision-maker. Further descriptions for the respective profile are as follows:
- Researcher
- Able to conduct research on linguistic aspects encompassing the aspects of language grammar (sound, words, and sentences), language acquisition, language usage, and relations between the language and society.
- Decision maker
- Able to make decisions on language teaching aspects, translation, and language planning either for the purpose of language preservation or for the purpose of appropriate language usage in certain contexts, for example for product advertisements.
Learning Outcomes and Sub-Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the study, students of Master’s Program in Linguistics will be able to:
- develop knowledge in the field of linguistics through research (Research Profile)
- solve problems related to linguistics (Decision Maker Profile)
- conduct beneficial research for society and science, as well as obtain national and international recognition (Research Profile).
The followings are the details of the sub-learning outcomes from each learning outcome.
- Able to develop knowledge in the field of linguistics through research (Research Profile)
- Able to apply contemporary linguistic theory in linguistic research resulting in innovative research.
- Able to analyze language philosophy in life with the appropriate philosophical approach.
- Able to analyze linguistic phenomena through an interdisciplinary approach between psychology and linguistics.
- Able to analyze linguistic phenomena through an interdisciplinary approach between sociology and linguistics.
- Able to critically analyze problems related to speech acts in society.
- Able to analyze current linguistic phenomena in Japanese, Indonesian, or English by using appropriate linguistic theories.
- Able to solve problems related to linguistics (Decision Maker Profile)
- Able to solve linguistic problems in society through appropriate language planning in accordance with the situation and condition of the society.
- Able to solve problems related to second language acquisition by using applied linguistic theory.
- Able to solve problems related to translation, Japanese, English, or Indonesian language teaching by using appropriate linguistic theories.
- Able to conduct beneficial research for society and science, as well as obtain national and international recognition (Research Profile)
- Able to conduct research concerning linguistics and culture in analyzing the phenomena related to language and culture.
- Able to conduct research by using a corpus linguistic approach in order to produce research that more reflects the actual language usage.
- Able to write a good-quality thesis proposal and defend it in the seminar.
- Able to write a thesis that is worthy of publication in national and international journals.