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Université d'Artois

The University of Artois is a multidisciplinary university headquartered in Arras, northern France

It offers a wide range of training ranging from bac 2 to bac 8 (initial and continuing education) in the following areas:

  • Arts, Letters, Languages
  • Law, Economics, Management
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Science, Technology, Health

Open to the world since its creation, the University of Artois is fully committed to a process of openness towards the international. Partnerships are firmly established with different countries in the fields of training and research.

The University of Artois, whose headquarters are in Arras, is multipolar : Arras, Bethune, Douai, Lens, Liévin.


  • Arras

    9 rue du Temple - BP 10665 62030 ARRAS CEDEX, , Arras

    Université d'Artois