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Université de Technologie Compiègne (UTC)


UTC produces graduates (engineers, Master’s degree, PhDs) capable of taking into account the interactions of technologies with Mankind and Society at large and of evolving in a world-scale competitive environment, with the aim of complying with sustainable development policies.

UTC is both a French national university and an engineering school, with autonomous training and pedagogy and an innovation-intensive, interdisciplinary technological research programme. UTC produces graduates (engineers, Master’s degree, PhDs) capable of taking into account the interactions of technologies with Mankind and Society at large and of evolving in a world-scale competitive environment, with the aim of complying with sustainable development policies. The UTC lecturers, research scientists, and engineers “lend meaning to innovation”, enabling the emergence of new axes underpinning this concept, introducing entrepreneurship principles in the heart of their concerns.

Our Values

UTC stands as a model for its training schemes where engineering sciences, social sciences and humanities, economics and political science are blended harmoniously together to serve the overarching aim of training of tomorrow's engineers, scientists, managers, as innovative, humanist persons capable of controlling and mastering complex situations in today's information and communications-intensive society. UTC is an institution that lends meaning to our Societies, in which different cultures and different modes to understand the world can exchange usefully. It is a focal point where the leitmotiv 'innovation' is defined and redefined continuously. CREATIVITY

  • UTC was created for this purpose


  • UTC place Mankind at the heart of its


  • UTC never operates alone and is continuously interacting with its students, enterprise and other academic institution


  • UTC has developed a culture of risk-taking

Our Missions

Building the future The skills that UTC will instill in its future graduate engineers or scientists are: knowing how to manage complexity and uncertainty, how to co-operate in a world of multicultural relationships, how to register actions in a time-space framework with a context of international links and globalization. UTC entertains the ambition to be recognized as a major, world-class, European University of technology, focused and drawing on creativity and innovation. Though our creative actions, we wish to play a key role in the war of ideas that heralds in the 21st Century. Developing students' creativity and potentially relies on promoting a series of transverse, pluridisciplinary and inter-cultural approaches, with strong support from research findings. This also calls for a reinforcement of the art base, a driving force for innovation, culture and a factor conducive to the development of citizenship and economic growth. Through searching for innovation, we fully assume our triple role of advancing knowledge and know-how, transmitting and disseminating the same and also having Men transform them into all sorts of innovations serving Mankind and Society. To uphold such a vision, coherent as it is with UTC's values, modern in terms of the vision it provides for the role of the university and original in its ambition to prove creative, also implies that we ensure that a number of conditions are fully met:

  • a vision was born and embodied in the UTC community, finding strength and commitment in accompanying an overarching project that is understood and shared by all concerned
  • an institutional organization and governance that proves both reactive and encouraging and which draws the best from each component part and from each member of our staff
  • personal and institutional development built with and for our students
  • a capacity to attract talents, to mobilize, develop, accompany and value-add to the manpower resources of the university
  • an increase and diversification of financial resources
  • a policy of strategic alliances and networks, notably in the framework of a strong territorial stance and positioning.

4 assigned missions

  • To assure excellent thematic research, in a conducive interdisciplinary context of commitment, open to the issues of its environment
  • To produce knowledge, skills, and know-how by engaging in research activities
  • To transmit and disseminate knowledge through teaching and training and to accompany the undergraduates to develop an innovative outlook and vision
  • To introduce knowledge and innovations in a transformation process conducive to producing inventions

  • Compiègne

    Rue du docteur Schweitzer CS 60319, 60203 COMPIEGNE Cedex France , , Compiègne

    Université de Technologie Compiègne (UTC)