Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 1,089
Environmental Engineering is the branch of engineering that studies environmental problems in an integrated manner, taking into account their ecological, social, economic and technological dimensions, with the aim of promoting sustainable development.
Thus, Environmental Engineering uses the scientific bases of environmental sciences as well as the principles of Engineering, with the aim of studying environmental problems quantitatively, analyzing their causes and proposing methods for their reduction or elimination.
Currently, most developed countries have degrees in environmental engineering, both at the undergraduate and master level. The assumption of the concepts of sustainable development and circular economy, implicitly or explicitly, begins to penetrate at all levels of all sectors of human activity. It implies not only applying technologies to treat waste produced by industrial activity ("end of pipe" philosophy) but also transforming production processes to reduce their generation, increase overall efficiency in the use of natural resources and, ultimately, ensure that the industrial activity is increasingly efficient and respectful of our environment ("integral" philosophy).
While the final pipeline philosophy requires specialists in the treatment and use of waste (once it has been produced), the comprehensive philosophy (which includes the first) requires the contribution of technicians from different fields and a modification of the collective attitudes and productive and transformation methods, as well as the modification of planning tools and territorial occupation and the reconsideration of concepts of growth and development.
At the educational level, Environmental Engineering implies knowing the processes in depth, having the capacity to transform them, knowing their interactions with the environment and being prepared to work in multidisciplinary teams, with the capacity to formulate solutions and solve problems with a holistic approach.
As a conclusion, Environmental Engineering uses a systematic approach to address problems related to the environment as a whole and in a holistic and comprehensive way. The main task of the Environmental Engineer is to minimize the negative effects on the natural environment of each process or human activity, both in the short and long term.
Degree structure
The Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering in its 3rd edition (2022-23 academic year) consists of 90 ECTS and is divided into 5 modules, 4 in the first year (60 ECTS) and 1 in the second (30 ECTS), as indicated next:
First course (60 ECTS), from September to early June:
- Module 1 (18 ECTS): Scientific and engineering bases
It includes 1 compulsory subject and 6 optional subjects (3 to be chosen) to complement the initial training of the students.
- Module 2 (12 ECTS): Environmental Management.
2 compulsory subjects and 2 optional subjects (1 to be chosen)
- Module 3 (21 ECTS): Sustainable technologies
4 compulsory subjects and 3 optional subjects (2 to be chosen)
- Module 4 (9 ECTS): Entrepreneurship and Governance
2 compulsory subjects and 2 optional subjects (1 to be chosen)
Second year (30 ECTS), from September to February:
- Module 5: Application and innovation.
It includes mandatory subjects: External Practices (6 ECTS) and the Master's Thesis (18 ECTS), as well as 4 optional subjects (2 to be chosen).
The study regime is full-time, and the modality in which it is taught is face-to-face. The vehicular language is Spanish, although Galician and English can also be used.
Strengthening in the research field
Contact with research is one of the basic objectives of the degree. In this field we intend to continue collaborating closely with the recently created CRETUS Institute, a reference in the field of environmental technologies and which brings together most of the MENA staff.
Strengthening collaboration with companies
Contact with companies is one of the hallmarks of this master's degree, which was the first at USC to establish mandatory internships in companies. It is intended to continue expanding the number of agreements with companies nationwide, encouraging participation in External Practices as well as in the tutoring of Master's Thesis. Furthermore, actions aimed at increasing knowledge of the degree are very important (presence of guests from the business world at graduation events, etc.).
Disclosure and transparency to society
The dissemination of this Master to society is considered very important. The result of this work was the qualification of this criterion as “Excellently passed” achieved in the last official accreditation of the degree (April 30, 2015). Among the actions to highlight in this section are the following: a) Preparation of brochures, videos and publication of press releases and interviews; b) Promotion of vocations in secondary education; c) Promotion of ethical and professional values.
Program Outcome
The basic objective of the Master in Environmental Engineering is to train competent professionals whose specific mission is the protection of the environment and the improvement of its environmental quality in the face of problems such as the unsustainable consumption of natural resources, the generation of waste, pollution of water, air and soil, etc., as well as to learn about environmental management tools and be able to apply the principles of the circular economy. For this, basic training is necessary that allows them to conceive, design and execute works and facilities, improve processes and provide possible solutions applicable to real environmental problems.
Environmental Engineering is a branch of engineering that studies environmental problems through a scientific and integrated approach, taking into account the different dimensions involved: scientific (physical, chemical and ecological), social, economic and technological, with the ultimate objective moving towards sustainable development
Career Opportunities
This master's degree is defined within the framework of the European Higher Education Area as a master's degree with a professional profile.
The professional profile of the Environmental Engineer is to have as a specific mission the prevention of environmental damage, the protection of the environment and the improvement of environmental quality in the face of problems such as unsustainable consumption of resources, the generation of waste, water pollution. , air and soil, for which basic training is necessary that allows you to design, design and execute works and facilities, improve processes, and provide possible solutions applicable to real environmental problems.
The professional areas in which it is planned to develop its activity will be:
- Construction companies and environmental facilities
- Environmental services companies (management, operation and control)
- Public organizations with powers in the environment
- Risk prevention and environmental departments
- R&D&I centers in the area of Environmental Engineering. Training and Teaching.
The positions to be held will be:
- Managers and technicians in industry, engineering, administration and services.
- College professor.
- Free exercise of the profession.
- Investigator.
The professionalizing nature of the Master in Environmental Engineering is underlined by the work carried out in this field by the ETSE, with a large number of agreements with companies and organizations in force, both nationally and internationally. Currently, there are more than 110 agreements with companies corresponding to a wide range of sectors.
Over the years, 3 job placement surveys of graduates have been carried out (2005, 2012 and 2017). Taking into consideration the last survey, it should be noted that 79.5% of graduates were working at that time, although 92.3% worked after graduating. The type of sector that employs graduates is quite diverse, highlighting companies in the Environmental sector (38.9%); Engineering and Consulting Companies (27.8%); the educational sector (13.9%); Public Administrations (11.1%); the Chemical sector (8.3%); Energy (8.3%) and Construction (5.6%).
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.