Master's Degree in Business Management (Lugo Campus)
Lugo, Spain
1 up to 2 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time, Part time
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EUR 854 / per year
Title name: Master's Degree in Business Management (L)
Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Center where it is taught:
Faculty of Business Administration and Management [L]
Avda. Alfonso XO Sabio, s / n.
Date of authorization for the implementation of the title by the Xunta de Galicia: 434/2009 of December 3 (DOG 12/15/2009)
Date of publication in the BOE: 08/24/2010
Date of the last accreditation: 07/08/2015
Responsible for the title:
Title coordinator: Lopez Cabarcos, Mª Angeles
Teaching conditions:
- Offer periodicity: annual
- Type of teaching: Face-to-face
- Study regime: full tempo / partial tempo
- Languages of use: Spanish Galician
Interuniversity degree:
Do not
Coordinating University:
- University of Santiago de Compostela
Through a participatory methodology, case analysis, resolution of exercises, role-playing, debate on readings of interest and development and presentation of works, it is sought that the student acquires advanced knowledge in Business Management and the ability to apply them, while developing managerial skills.
Specialties or itineraries:
The Official Master's Degree in Business Management at the Santiago campus (MBA) has three curricular orientations:
- Academic orientation
- Professional orientation
Professional orientation students have to carry out mandatory external internships (13.5 ECTS)
Transfer and recognition of credits:
Recognition of credits: consists of the acceptance by a university of the credits that were obtained in official courses, in the same or in another university, and that are computed in other different courses for the purposes of obtaining an official degree.
Transfer of credits: implies that the official academic documents accrediting successive courses for each student will include all the credits obtained in official courses taken previously, at the same or another university, that have not led to obtaining a an official title.
Program Outcome
General Competences
- Advanced knowledge in Business Management, fundamentally its methods, techniques and areas of application.
- Ability to have a strategic vision of the business pluses and minuses.
- Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to business reality.
- Ability to resolve their pluses and minuses in young or unfamiliar environments.
- Ability to make management decisions in the field of the company in general and in particular its different functions, in situations of incomplete information.
- Ability to develop and defend arguments on specialized issues and resolve their pluses and minuses on these issues, making use of the knowledge acquired about business reality, theories, models and appropriate scientific methods.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, pluses and minuses of business management and solution proposals, using both verbal and written language and presentation techniques, to specialized and non-specialized audiences.
- Ability to design integrated management projects or functional areas of the company.
- Mastery of various tools, instruments and management methods necessary to run a company.
- Ability to identify, gather and interpret relevant data on issues related to business management.
- Ability to continue autonomous learning.
- Awareness of the social responsibility of the company.
Career Opportunities
Business management, strategic planning and management, business organization, management in the different functional areas of the company, operations management, accounting-financial management, commercial management, human resources management, business consulting and advice, business creation.
Research in the field of business management, university teaching.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.