Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
18 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 1,089
The Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI) focuses on university education in one of the areas that attracts the most interest in the field of Computer Science, both from a scientific-academic point of view and from its applications in multiple fields. activity sectors. During the last few years, AI has experienced an exceptional development, motivated by the appearance of technologies that have meant a great advance in the discipline and by the availability of hardware resources that have made its application viable in different domains.
Ideal Students
Admission profile
For admission to the Master in Artificial Intelligence, it is recommended that the training of students be of a scientific-technological profile:
- Degree in Computer Engineering
- Degree in Data Science and Engineering
- Degree in Artificial Intelligence
- Degree in Robotics
- Degree in Mathematics
- Degree in Physics
- Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
- Degree in Industrial Engineering
In the case of students who request admission and have a degree different from those included in the previous list, their admission will be evaluated based on whether they can justify that their previous studies have led to the acquisition of the recommended knowledge included in this list. same section.
Furthermore, it is desirable that future Master's students in Artificial Intelligence possess the following skills:
- Basic skills in handling new technologies.
- Capacity for abstraction, analysis, synthesis and logical reasoning.
- Capacity for teamwork.
- Sense of organization, attention to detail and practicality.
- Curiosity, imagination, creativity, innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit.
- Interest in scientific and technological advances.
The following are indicated as recommended knowledge:
- Mathematics (analysis, linear algebra, geometry, basic statistics and probability).
- Programming, data structures and algorithms.
- Fundamentals of computer structure.
As the master's degree is taught entirely in English, it is recommended that students have a minimum knowledge of English corresponding to level B1 of the common European framework of reference.
No training supplements are planned to acquire prior basic knowledge.
Program Outcome
It is a primary objective of the program to develop the necessary skills and competencies in the most current and interesting paradigms in the field of AI and its application to problem solving. AI will be approached not only from a technical level, but also from a humanistic prism centered on the person, and with a markedly practical and applied nature, aimed at the effective implementation of intelligent systems for multiple applications and in a wide range of sectors.
The study plan consists of 90 ECTS, divided into three semesters, the first two divided into bimesters. The Master consists of several training blocks: Fundamentals of AI, Reasoning, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Robotics and AI Applications.
The study plan consists of 10 compulsory subjects (6 of 3 credits and 4 of 6 credits), an offer of 17 optional subjects, internships in companies (6 ECTS) and Master's Thesis (TFM, 12 ECTS).
Teaching is taught jointly by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), the University of Coruña (UDC) and the University of Vigo (UVIGO). Specifically, the degree is coordinated by the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSE) of the USC and by the Computer Science Faculty of A Coruña and the Higher School of Computer Engineering (ESEI) of the UVIGO.
Career Opportunities
Currently, there is a great demand for professionals with skills in this field, covering professions such as artificial intelligence managers (CAIO), AI engineers, data mining consultants, machine learning scientists, NLP consultants, developers of AI, architects of AI systems, etc. Another professional opportunity is research in both the academic and business fields.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.