Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Máster Universitario en Perfiles Forenses de Peligrosidad Criminal
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 84 / per credit *
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
The completion of a classic program typically entails earning 60 ECTS credits.
Master's Degree Duration: One academic year.
Module I: Forensic Sciences
- 621001 Advanced profiles of criminal danger
- 621002 Forensic anthropology and medical-legal identification
- 621003 Forensic Pathology and Toxicology
- 621004 Forensic psychiatry and psychology of testimony
Module 2: Research
- 621005 Research techniques I: graphics, document copy, ballistics, lofoscopia
- 621006 Investigation techniques II: evaluation of damages, fires and other accidents, the expert report
Module 3: Information Management
- 621007 Research methodology and presentation of results
Module 4: Legal Criminology
- 621008 Legal-institutional aspects of criminal investigation
Module 5: TFM
- 621009 Final Master's Project
Program Outcome
Generic Competences:
- CG01 The acquisition of advanced knowledge and skills for the elaboration of forensic profiles of criminal danger
- CG02 Learning forensic techniques to define the characters that make up the profile of a criminal so that it is possible to anticipate their behavior
- CG03 Develop skills for autonomous work
Specific Competences:
- CE01 Learning applied knowledge to understand and analyze the profile of criminal danger
- CE02 Acquisition of practical knowledge and technical-scientific skills for the detection of potential security risks and their prevention
- CE03 Learning scientific techniques for the preparation of forensic profiles of criminal danger
- CE04 Acquire the use of methodological tools for the comprehensive analysis of the different areas of the personality construct
- CE05 Acquisition of knowledge about the existing methodology and tools for the study of human remains and forensic evidence of a crime that is sufficient for the preparation of profiles of criminal danger
- CE06 Acquisition of the knowledge that the field of Psychiatry contributes to the understanding of the criminal act that is sufficient for the elaboration of profiles of criminal danger
- CE07 Knowledge of the techniques for the analysis of the testimony of perpetrators and victims
- CE08 Acquire advanced knowledge of the existing methodology and tools for the study of the instruments, techniques, and methods that serve the criminal act
- CE09 Acquire advanced knowledge of the existing methodology and tools for the study of the crime scene and the preparation of expert reports
- CE10 Adoption of the advanced methodological skills and tools necessary for the investigation of facts, their analysis, and the preparation of results
- CE11 Development of advanced skills necessary for correct communication in problematic situations related to criminal acts
- CE12 Acquisition of advanced and practical knowledge for the presentation of evidence in court
- CE13 Learning practical professional aspects of the legal framework of criminal investigation in light of the latest legal and technological developments
- CE14 Advanced training for respect for fundamental rights in the development of criminal investigation, mainly within the framework of new technologies