Máster Universitario en Auditoría y Contabilidad Superior
1 Years
Full time
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EUR 84 / per credit *
Distance Learning, On-Campus
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
The completion of a classic program typically entails earning 60 ECTS credits.
Master's Degree Duration: One academic year.
- 623801 Fundamentals of Auditing I
- 623802 Fundamentals of Auditing II
- 623803 Audit of Accounts I
- 623804 Audit of Accounts II
- 623805 Financial Information Standards I
- 623806 Financial Information Standards II
- 623807 Financial Information Standards III
- 623808 Business Combinations and Consolidation of Annual Accounts
- 623809 International Financial Reporting Standards
- Module III Other Accounting Matters
- 623810 Budgetary, Cost and Management Accounting and Analysis Techniques
- 623811 Business Valuation Techniques and Preparation of Viability Plans
- Company Internship Module
- 623812 Internships in companies
- End of Master's Work Module
- 623813 Final Master's Project
Program Outcome
- CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
- CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
- CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
- CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
- CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
- CG1 - Analysis and synthesis capacity: analyze, synthesize, assess, and make decisions based on relevant records of information on the situation and foreseeable evolution of a company.
- CG2 - Ability to analyze the organization, planning, and administration of a small and medium-sized company or organization, understanding its competitive and institutional location and identifying its strengths and weaknesses.
- CG3 - Oral and written communication in Spanish: understand and be able to communicate, correctly and in different scenarios, in Spanish. Be prepared to be understood by bosses and subordinates in a clear and concise way and be able to prepare analysis reports and advice on the economic and financial situation of an entity.
- CG4 - Ability to analyze, search and discriminate information from various sources: be able to identify the appropriate sources of economic information, and obtain and select relevant information that is impossible to recognize by non-professionals.
- CG5 - Capacity for outlining and extrapolation: the student must be able to understand economic institutions as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations about the operation of companies.
- CG6 - Ability to make strategic decisions to obtain effective and efficient evidence in the context of the responsibility of an auditor in his first years of professional experience.
- CG7 - Ability to assume and put into practice the instructions received in an effective, collaborative, and efficient way.
- CG8 - Ability to propose reasoned changes to the guidelines received by the person in charge of the work in light of the circumstances of the assignment; as well as analysis, communication, and willingness to overcome the errors that he detects or that are detected.
- CG9 - Being able to approach a task in an effective, collaborative, respectful, and efficient way in the assigned times.
- CG10 - Ability to organize work so that the evidence provided is clear and easy to review.
- CG11 - Willingness to reflect the best evidence in work papers and do so in an understandable way.
Transversal Competences
CT01 - Ability to function in the work environment with due professional secrecy and independence, without taking advantage of the information analyzed and managed for personal objectives or their personal, professional, or business environment
Specific Competences
- CE1 - Ability to analyze, evaluate and supervise financial information prepared under the national regulatory framework applicable to private entities.
- CE2 - Ability to analyze, evaluate and supervise financial information prepared under the international regulatory framework applicable to private entities.
- CE3 - Ability to analyze, evaluate and supervise business risks.
- CE4 - Ability to analyze, evaluate and supervise internal business control systems.
- CE5 - Ability to analyze, execute, evaluate, and supervise audit assignments under national and international regulations.
- CE6 - Ability to analyze, evaluate, execute, and supervise situations that may affect their independence or that of their professional environment.
- CE7 - Ability to analyze, evaluate, execute, and supervise assignments that may pose a significant or very significant risk to the audit business.
- CE8 - Capacity for synthesis and oral and written communication of the conclusions of their professional work on financial information.
- CE9 - Capacity for synthesis and oral and written communication of the conclusions of their professional work on risks and internal business control systems.
- CE10 - Ability to analyze and execute audit quality control standards.
- CE11 - Ability to perform auditing professionally at the level of an assistant auditor, as well as advanced accounting assignments.
- CE12 - Research skills in the field of auditing and superior accounting.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.