Máster Universitario en Aspectos Clínicos Y Básicos Del Dolor
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
Request tuition fees
Training Itinerary
- Anatomy and Physiology of pain transmission
- Diagnosis and approach therapy of the patient with pain
- Pharmacological basesbinvolved in the action of analgesics
- Psychological interventions in patients with pain
- Basic and clinical aspects of pain
- Interventional techniques in the treatment of pain
- Physical medicine in the treatment of pain
- Spinal mechanisms of pain and dysfunction sensorimotor
- Orofacial pain
- Advanced course on receptors for neurotransmitters
- Psychotropic drugs and pain
- Advances in Neuropsychopharmacology
- Applied Statistics
- Information methodology
Itinerary I *
- Stay in Pain Units of participating Hospitals
- Master's Final Project Itinerary I
Itinerary II *
- Stay in Research Laboratories of participating Universities
- Master's Final Project Itinerary II
Itinerary III *
- Stay in the Pharmaceutical Industries
- Master's Final Project Itinerary III
* The student chooses one of the three itineraries
Basic Skills
CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
General Competences
CG1 - Have a deep and broad knowledge of neurotransmission and its pathophysiological alterations.
CG2 - Know the general bases of the management of technologies, tools and techniques for diagnosis and treatment.
CG3 - Know the bases of pain evaluation.
CG4 - Be able to identify and analyze alterations in sensory perception
CG5 - Be able to develop explanatory models based on observable experience and critical analysis.
CG6 - Integrate the basic and clinical aspects involved in the knowledge of the determinants of pain.
CG7 - Be able to capture the results of your research and/or healthcare work in documents that allow dissemination, debate and exploitation of its results.
CG8 - Know the ethical aspects specifically related to pain research
CG9 - Be able to self-diagnose deficiencies and needs in: acquisition, understanding, application of knowledge, in the ability to make judgments and in the ability to communicate.
CG10 - Obtain and synthesize pertinent information about the problems that afflict patients with pain and understand the content of this information.
CG11 - Know how to use information and communication technologies in clinical, therapeutic, preventive and research activities.
CG12 - Know, critically evaluate and use search and retrieval systems for biomedical information in the field of pain, to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate clinical, scientific and health information.
Transversal Competences
CT01 - Improve Linguistic and Communicative Skills in the Academic Field. Perfect Oratory. Be able to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing in different professional situations (with patients and their families, other professionals and the media).
CT02 - Acquire Comprehension and Written Expression of Scientific Texts.
CT03 - Perform Graphic Communication in Technical Documents.
CT04 - Manage information effectively, using critical reasoning.
CT05 - Promote Interpersonal Relationships, Leadership and Teamwork.
Specific Competences
CE01 - Know the development of current lines of research on pain and their impact on the development of research in this field.
CE02 - Recognize the impact of the new molecular bases of neural signaling on the possibilities of pain research.
CE03 - Integrate new pharmacological therapy guidelines in complex pathologies that cause pain.
CE04 - Know the recent advances in invasive and non-invasive techniques that allow the approach to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of pathological processes that cause pain.
CE05 - Know and apply research methodology in the study of pain.
CE06 - Know the legislation on the design and conduct of studies in biomedicine, with special emphasis on bioethical aspects and the peculiarities of clinical trials focused on pain and analgesia.
CE07 - Know the recent genetic and molecular advances that explain the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of pain.
CE08 - Demonstrate ability in locating, accessing and critically reviewing the scientific literature in the area of knowledge.
CE09 - Design and lead a research project in the area of pain, as well as be able to write and discuss a scientific article in the scope of a specialized journal in the area.
CE10 - Understand and recognize the anatomical and physiological mechanisms that regulate the perception of pain in physiological conditions.
CE11 - Understand and recognize the responsible pathophysiological mechanisms that determine the development of pain.
CE12 - Recognize and understand the main pathological entities that cause pain in clinical practice.
CE13 - Understand the basis of action, indications and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in pain, based on available scientific evidence.
CE14 - Always respecting the professional skills granted by the original qualification (degree, diploma or bachelor's degree), the student will be able to apply this knowledge to their professional practice for the benefit of patients and/or will be able to investigate, contribute and expand the scientific knowledge of the mechanisms involved in pain and analgesia.
CE15 - Know the cell structure and function. Biomolecules. Cellular communication. Excitable membranes.
CE16 - Understand and recognize the normal structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous system, at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organic and systems levels.
CE17 - Know the basic concepts of biostatistics and their application to medical sciences. Understand and interpret statistical data in medical literature. Be able to design and carry out simple statistical studies using computer programs and interpret the results.
Program Outcome
¿Qué conocimientos voy a adquirir con este Máster?
The Master's Degree in Clinical and Basic Aspects of Pain is conceived as a program that offers students the training of professionals qualified to work in the field of pain, in its different aspects.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.