Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Máster de formación permanente en reproducción humana
Madrid, Spain
600 Hours
Full time
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Distance Learning, On-Campus
Block I – Female Sterility
- Epidemiology of reproduction
- Anatomy and physiology of ovarian function
- Study of the sterile couple
- Age of the woman and fertility
- Ovarian stimulation protocols in Human Reproduction
- Drugs in ovarian stimulation: clomiphene, gonadotropins , GnRH analogues, hCG.
- Low response to stimulation protocols
- High response to ovarian stimulation
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- Endometriosis and reproduction
- Polycystic ovary syndrome: generalities, genes, metabolic connection and reproductive difficulties
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Hydrosalpinx and reproduction
Block II – Male Sterility
- Spermatogenesis: basic concepts, sperm evaluation
- Study of the sterile male
- Varicocele and infertility/Male sterility of genetic cause
- FISH and DNA Fragmentation: clinical utility
- HIV and reproduction
- Preservation of Social Fertility
- Preservation of Oncological Fertility
- Freezing and sperm bank
Block III – Gametes and Embryos
- Growth, maturation and fertilization of the oocyte
- Epigenetics in gametogenesis and early embryonic development
- Cocultivation of human embryos and Sequential Culture
- Embryo implantation
- The new In Vitro Fertilization laboratory: "cleanroom"
- Embryo quality as predictive value
Block IV – Assisted Reproduction Techniques
- Artificial insemination
- Current role of IVF in the era of micromanipulation
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as an assisted reproduction technique
- Genetic compatibility test: New frontiers in reproduction
- Clinical approach to failure of implantation
- Genetic counseling in ART
- Oocyte donation/ In Vitro Fertilization in uterine surrogacy
- Preimplantation Genetic Screening
- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
- The immune system and implantation today
Block V – New Techniques
- Assisted hatching and related techniques / Transf. Nuclear and Cytoplasmic
- New techniques in the IVF laboratory
- Freezing of oocytes
- The “inadequate” endometrium: medical, surgical and experimental treatments
- Legislation and ethics in human reproduction
Block VI – Research in Assisted Reproduction
Scientific information and documentation
Design of research protocols. Methodological approach
Study of proteins: Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, flow cytometry and Western blot
Study of genes: Northern blot, Southern blot, RT-PCR, F-PCR, differential display, DNA microarrays
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.