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Universidad Nacional De Catamarca


The National University of Catamarca is a public university, rooted in its society, committed to its development, which stands as a creator of culture and an enhancer of thought. Its substantive functions are teaching, research and extension. It is an entity committed since its creation with the culture and identity of Catamarca and the promotion of its development. Consequently, it revalues ​​the tangible and intangible socio-cultural heritage and encourages closer ties with the public and private socio-productive sector. It is a space of permanent transformation in which science and technology are promoted, promoting a model of society based on knowledge, thus assuming a directing and participatory role.

The National University of Catamarca is a public university, rooted in its society, committed to its development, which stands as a creator of culture and an enhancer of thought.

Its substantive functions are teaching, research and extension.

It is an entity committed since its creation with the culture and identity of

Catamarca and the promotion of its development. Consequently, it revalues ​​the tangible and intangible socio-cultural heritage and encourages closer ties with the public and private socio-productive sector.

It is a space of permanent transformation in which science and technology are promoted, promoting a model of society based on knowledge, thus assuming a directing and participatory role.

  • Catamarca

    Avenida Maximio Victoria, K4700, Catamarca

    Universidad Nacional De Catamarca