Universidad Del Cauca
The Universidad del Cauca was created in Popayán as a University of the Third District by decree of April 24, 1827. On April 5, 2013, the Ministry of National Education granted the High-Quality Institutional Accreditation for a period of 6 years already Through Resolution 6218 of June 13, 2019, it renewed said Institutional Accreditation for a period of eight years.
The Universidad del Cauca was created in Popayán as a University of the Third District by decree of April 24, 1827. On April 5, 2013, the Ministry of National Education granted the High Quality Institutional Accreditation for a period of 6 yearsalready Through Resolution 6218 of June 13, 2019, it renewed said Institutional Accreditation for a period of eight years.
The University has its roots in the Major Seminary of Popayán founded between 1609 and 1617, an educational establishment of the first order in colonial times that functioned in the Cloister of San José where the most innovative ideas of the philosophical, political and scientific thought of the Enlightenment, in the 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment.
There, precisely, the generation that would later be the protagonist of the struggles for the independence of the Spanish empire was formed with characters such as Francisco José de Caldas, Camilo Torres, Francisco Antonio Zea, José María Cabal, Joaquín de Caycedo y Cuero and Francisco Antonio Ulloa men of politics, study and state.
The thought in the republican and independent life of Colombia was generated in good proportion in the University of Cauca, in such a way that the history of the independence of Colombia and its beginnings as an independent republic converges with the history of the university.
Similar to those times, the University of Cauca continues to be an institution of knowledge, progress and a forum for free analysis of the circumstances and alternatives of social life, defender of the democratic course of Colombia, at the same time that it has incessantly energized the freedom of expression and citizen participation. In the last decade it has distinguished itself by the dynamism of its investigative structure. It is highlighted that seventeen graduates of the University of Cauca have occupied the head of the Colombian State.
- Popayán
Calle 5,4-70, 190003, Popayán