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Universidad de Murcia Interuniversity Master in Occupational Risk Prevention
Universidad de Murcia

Interuniversity Master in Occupational Risk Prevention

Murcia, Spain

1 Years


Full time

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EUR 1,307 / per year *


* € 1933.12: international students. The data that appears on this page are not official, only indicative. For more information contact the secretariat of the corresponding center.


The world of work and the way work life is organized in our societies today is a key determinant of well-being. Maintaining a good level of health for the working population is an important objective of any society, workplace accidents and occupational diseases or psychological disorders reduce the effective contribution of people to their well-being, that of their family, that of your community and that of your country; and, on the other hand, because it is an essential condition for sustainable, economic, social and environmental development. Furthermore, the most successful organizations have understood the importance of investing in promoting health at work.

They are aware that healthy workers and a healthy workplace are the foundations for sustainable economic success. In the context of the transition towards the knowledge society and the growth of the service sector in our economies, the role of workers becomes more important. It is vital, and increasingly recognized, that only healthy employees enable companies and our societies together to develop innovative capabilities that ensure survival in global competition.

The Interuniversity Master in Risk Prevention ( Universidad de Murcia and Polytechnic University of Cartagena), is structured in 8 subjects of 6 credits and 4 formative complements of 3 credits, which will be taken depending on the original training. Students will complement their training with professional practices (6 credits) and the final master's project of 6 credits.

Students will complete 60 credits that include the three specialties in Occupational Risk Prevention (Ergonomics and Psychosociology, Work Safety and Industrial Hygiene), in addition to the training supplements mentioned in the previous paragraph. As mechanisms of Teaching Coordination, which the title has, the following should be pointed out:

  • The Interuniversity Coordinating Commission made up of the Master's coordinators (UMU and UPCT) and the coordinators of each of the subjects, together with a representative of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, representatives of the Faculty of Labor Sciences of the Universidad de Murcia and the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.
  • Teaching Commission ( Universidad de Murcia ).
  • Commission of Graduate Programs (Polytechnic University of Cartagena).

The students of the old plan of the Interuniversity Master in Occupational Risk Prevention will be granted a period of two years to finish their studies, with the right to Tutor and Exams but without face-to-face teaching.

Students from previous promotions can adapt to the new one or continue with the one they started.

Master's file

Teaching center: Faculty of Labor Sciences
Type of teaching: Face-to-face
Language: Spanish
Duration: One year
ECTS credits: 60
Title: Interuniversity Master in Occupational Risk Prevention
Scholarships, grants and mobility: National / International
Price per credit:
  • In 1st registration: € 20.90
  • In 2nd registration: € 31.35
  • In 3rd registration: € 67.93
  • In 4th or successive: € 94.06


The degree proposed is based on the experience of teaching the Interuniversity Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention, which since the 2008/2009 academic year has been taught at the Universities of Murcia and the Polytechnic of Cartagena. This new degree represents, in the opinion of the Interuniversity Coordinating Commission of the current one, an improvement in the preparation and adaptation of students to the labor market; mainly, giving rise to the specialization content that this training entails in an academic year and without losing the reference to the Royal Decree on which the study plan is based.

The main objective of the training and information system is to ensure that the preventive culture of occupational hazards involves the whole of society, in such a way that employers and workers assume it naturally within the company. The preventive culture of occupational risks means that citizens in general, and employers and workers in particular, incorporate the defense of health into their values and attitudes by improving working conditions.

Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention, in its article 5.2, establishes the obligation of public administrations to promote the improvement of preventive education at different educational levels, and especially, in the training offer corresponding to national system of professional qualifications, as well as the adequacy of the training of human resources necessary for the prevention of occupational risks.

This training system promoted by RD 39/1997 that regulates Prevention Services has had the objective of promoting and developing the preventive culture of occupational risks among the different social agents, as well as training prevention professionals: technicians of different levels, doctors and work nurses. In relation to this, it is worth highlighting the creation of the Professional Training title of Higher Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention (RD 1161/2001), as well as the fact of the increase of one year in the residency of the specialty in occupational medicine from of 2006, reaching a duration of 4 years and including rotations for hospital care services (RD 193/2003). The university approval of the training provisionally included in said accreditation in the third transitional provision of RD 39/1997 has also been completed.

The universities host specialized training following their usual processes and procedures, which includes face-to-face training with the main objective of achieving the competencies contained in the degree and required for a professional in occupational risk prevention. The capacities and aptitudes necessary to exercise Higher Level functions in Occupational Risk Prevention are regulated in Royal Decree 39/1997, which develops the Regulation of Prevention Services. There it is specified that to carry out these functions, it is necessary to have a University Degree and possess a minimum training with the content specified in Annex VI of said Royal Decree, whose development will last no less than 600 hours.


The powers of the master follow the following principles inspired by the RD. 1393/2007:

Respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women.

The respect and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the provisions of the tenth final provision of Law 51/2003, of December 2, on Equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility of people with disabilities.

In accordance with the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.

Specific disciplinary competencies are:

  • Know the historical evolution and the different conceptions of health problems caused by working conditions
  • Understand the significance and need for safe working conditions, and occupational risk prevention programs
  • Know the fundamentals and tools necessary for planning and managing occupational risk prevention programs in the company.
  • Etc.

Specific professional competences are:

  • Acquire specific skills to promote the improvement of working conditions.
  • Be able to comprehensively read a scientific text on any subject related to the prevention of occupational hazards.
  • Being able to design an occupational epidemiological study.
  • Being able to control the correct application of prevention in the company.
  • Understand the relevance of the integration of preventive resources in business planning.
  • Knowing how to design emergency and self-protection plans.
  • Know how to plan action systems in case of serious and imminent risk.
  • Etc.

Professional attributions

Among others are the acquisition of specific skills to promote the improvement of working conditions, the ability to control the correct application of prevention in the company, the integration of preventive resources in business planning, the design of emergency plans and self-protection. and planning action systems in the event of serious and imminent risk.

Specifically, obtaining the qualification enables the exercise of Higher Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention (Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, which approves the regulation of Prevention Services).

Graduation profile

The competences acquired in the master's degree enable the student to carry out the functions of the higher level of Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention in the specialties of Work Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology, as established in Royal Decree 39 / 1997, of January 17, by which the Regulation of Prevention Services is approved.

Read more on the institution's website

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
