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Universidad de Cádiz

With the constitution of its first Cloister, on October 30, 1979, the Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) was born, thus culminating a long process of claiming a university institution that recovers, for Cádiz and its province, the fruitful tradition of higher studies started and developed under the protection of maritime and commercial activities in modern and contemporary ages. The historical antecedents of higher education in Cádiz date back to the 15th century, when the Colegio de Pilotos de los Mares de Levante y Poniente was created, within the scope of the brotherhood of the Vizcaínos, whose studies in cosmography and mathematics achieved great notoriety and prestige as certified by the Brief Treatise on Sphera and the Art of Navigating, by Martín Cortés, printed in Seville in 1545, and the Analysis Geométrica by Antonio Hugo de Omerique - which was released in 1698 - as an expression of the Nautical Chair that since 1682 existed in the Colegio de Santiago de la Compañía de Jesús, founded in 1566.

In October 2004 the new Jerez University Campus was inaugurated, housing the Centers previously distributed throughout the town. At the Cádiz Campus, the 2005-2006 academic year begins with the opening of the new Health Sciences building.

The future challenges the UCA faces in the next decade are related to the new legislative framework derived from the approval of the LOU; the stabilization of the number of students due to demographic decline; the entry into force of a new financing program for Andalusian universities, which for years has contemplated the introduction of programs to assess the quality of the degrees taught; the emergence of new information and communication technologies and their adaptation to education and, last but not least, permanent collaboration with the institutions and socioeconomic sectors of the province of Cádiz, to contribute to its development.

The Campus

In the south of the Iberian Peninsula, southwest of Andalusia, is the province of Cádiz, the southernmost of the Spanish peninsular territories, separated only by 14 kilometers from the African continent through the Strait of Gibraltar. The history of the province of Cádiz is marked by the legacy of the various cultures that have passed through it: Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs.

It is a unique province due to the characteristics of its regions and the distribution of the population around large urban centers.

The Universidad de Cádiz is strongly linked to the territory in which it operates. That is why it is structured in 4 campuses with a total of 64 degrees.

The Campuses that compose it are:

  • Cadiz
  • port Royal
  • Sherry
  • Bay of Algeciras

  • Cádiz

    Hospital Real Plaza de Falla, 8 11002 Cádiz, , Cádiz

  • Puerto Real

    Avda. Universidad de Cádiz, nº 10 11519 Puerto Real, 11510, Puerto Real

    • Jerez

      Campus de Jerez. Avda. de la Universidad nº 4, 11406, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, , Jerez

      • Algeciras

        Escuela Politécnica Superior de Algeciras. Avda. Ramón Pujol s/n, 11202, Algeciras, Cádiz, , Algeciras

        Universidad de Cádiz